16th September 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs to 0800hrs
Wind: E/SE 15-20mph with gust
Weather: Dry, Cloudy, Mist to East.
Movement: South unless stated.
Mipits where going in all directions, but I had more going North than actually going South. Cant say I have noticed this before, whereby Northbound took over Southbound. Definately must have been down to the E/SE. (this was also happening later in the morning at Shore Road).
Meadow Pipits: 106 (all directions with the bulk heading North)
Chaffinch: 55 (some South but in the main either East or West as is usual here.
Greenfinch: 8
Swallow: 33 in small parties all going E/SE into wind.
Alba Wagtail: 2 (1 East)
Grey Wagtail: 1
Goldfinch: 12 (7W 5E)
Starling: 5E (as is usual)
Redpoll: 3SW
Siskin: 3 minimum (a pair plus two missed parties)
Linnet: 4W
Skylark: 1 at 0744hrs
Raven: 2W
Also: this morning had one Chiffchaff in trees (near count spot - on Clawthorpe side/Hutton Roof) and yesterday afternoon 1500hrs had a Willow Warbler calling ("whit" call) from Plain Quarry area, Dalton
16th September 2011
Shore Road, Carnforth, Lancashire.
0845hrs - 1030hrs
Wind: E/SE 15-20mph with gust.
Weather: Dry up until leaving when light rain.
Movement: South unless stated.
Similar situation here to Hutton Roof with the Mipits, with the majority heading North.
Swallow: 459
House Martin: 256 (House Martins blogging from 1000hrs and struggling to clear)
Alba Wagtail: 16
Chaffinch: 16
Meadow Pipit: 86 (with the majority heading North)
Goldfinch: 57
Linnet: 54 (a few West)
Skylark: 9
Greenfinch: 2
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
1 hour ago