Thr 15th September 2011 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: E 3mph and variable
Weather: Dry and clear 99% skies with occasional cloud.
Movement: South unless stated.
I missed lots of birds which were going at such high altitudes, but very welcome for the birds I did have.
Meadow Pipits: 305
Chaffinch: 116 (some of the Chaffinch also went W and E)
Goldfinch: 44
Linnet: 11
Siskin: 23 and missed a couple of parties.
Bullfinch: 3
Swallow: 46 SE
Alba Wagtail: 4
Starling: 6E (a indication that these might be Continental birds.
Thr 15th September 2011 - Shore Road, Carnforth, Lancashire.
Wind: E3mph and variable
Weather: Dry and clear 99% skies with occasional cloud.
Movement: South unless stated.
Rather quiet at first considering, yet glad I stayed on, because at about 1000hrs, a similar situation as yesterday came about and the skies where full with hirundines, literally everywhere you looked, this situation must have involved a thousand or two. Yet very soon these birds moved on South, and then from about 1045hrs to about 1115hrs it went absolutely crazy, with birds coming through directly South on a broad front, especially going down both sides of Warton Crag and Hunting Hill with some also going South on the coastline. They hardly let up, with continual streams, I counted the best I could, but would have missed hundreds!. Skylarks where definately on the move South with 16 groups (paired to single figure parties)
Swallow: 1543 (200 Swallows prior to 1000hrs and the rest between 1045hrs and up to 1200hrs) Still going through on leaving, but more intermittent at perhaps 3minute intervals. Also have estimated on the low side the 1000hrs concentration and listed these under mixed hirundine.
House Martin: 147
Hirundine - Mixed species: A minimum of 1000+
Meadow Pipit: 101
Skylark: 89
Alba Wagtail: 12
Grey Wagtail: 1
Linnet: 93
Chaffinch: 23
Reed Bunting: 2
Greenfinch: 4
Siskin: audio only
Goldfinch: 12
Redpoll: 2
Lapwing: 24
Raven: 9 (7 & 2) the 7 party retracked after 10 minutes.
Pink Footed Goose: 25 (one party at 1050hrs S)
Also: Starling (no count probably local)
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
1 hour ago