Visible Bird Migration - Thursday October 27th 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs 0930hrs.
Wind: SE 10mph (or force 3) Rain light/medium from 0830 up to 0900hrs.
Movement: South unless stated.
Fieldfare: 58 W (best: 30,10,8,7)
Redwing: 5 W (lots of calls where heard going over in early darkness)
Blackbirds: 2 W but lots on the roof, probably scores+ down on roof.
Mistle Thrush: 1 E
Chaffinch: 35 (some E some W) best: 4s and less
Alba Wagtail: 3
Goldfinch: 7 E
Siskin: 1 E
Meadow Pipit: 2
Starling: 21 W (plus 500-1000 x roost)
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
1 hour ago