Visible Bird Migration - Thursday October 20th 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1100hrs
Wind: W 8 - 10mph, first proper frost.
Movement: South unless stated.
Some thrushes through first thing, then quiet, with a little upsurge of 3 parties at 0930hrs and then quiet once again up to leaving. Best party yet of 32 Linnet SW. One pair of Yellowhammers.
Blackbird: 5 NW (2,1,2)
Fieldfare: 197 NW (1 SE) best parties: 30,30,30.
Redwing: 12 NW (all singles or pairs)
Meadow Pipit: S 29
Chaffinch: 186 (Mainly W some E - best 6s)
Goldfinch: 17 (Mainly W some E)
Greenfinch: 13 W (best 8)
Linnet: 32 SW (one party)
Bullfinch: 1
Redpoll: 9 SW (one party)
Siskin: 14 W (2,4,2,6)
Yellowhammer: 2
Alba Wagtail: 3
Woodpigeon: 26 SW (there are hundreds at the top of the Lune Valley to my NE, going SE as though over Dent in parties of 50s+)
Starling: 400+ Ex Leighton roost to East, 22W (probable movers)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1 W