27th March
With dawn breaking to the sight of yesterday's blanket of fog still hanging
low over the island it could easily have been assumed that there would be
2 hours ago
And Gait Barrows, Hutton Roof and Farleton, Leighton Moss, Arnside Knott and everywhere else as well. Here is my blog of records, Articles, Sketches, Poems and photographs which I would love to share with you. In the main my blog refers to Nature subjects within this most beautiful North Lancs/Cumbria areas, but may from time to time also include out of the area stuff, including the most beautiful GOA (India).
Also Peacock and Speckled Wood Butterflies.
But when I got well up on the Common I found a super colony of the rare Spring Sandwort. Well that was it, I just had to start doing some counting and mapping out, and got completely lost with time. I have uploaded four photos of the rare Spring Sandwort (see photos above)