First: yesterday Friday 4th May 2012. 0915hrs-1030hrs. Near to Leighton Moss, at the track which leads down under the small bridge to the Allan and Eric M Hides.
Swallow passage was so thin and the birds that did come through spent lots of time feeding up over the Reeds. I think that may have been the problem, that feed was that good, why bother moving on in any great hurry. Anyway these are what I had:
Swallow: 38 (best party 17)
Swift: 46 (best party 15)
House Martin: 9
Now: today Saturday 5th May 2012. 0845-0915hrs. Same place as yesterday near to Leighton Moss.
Hirundine passage was none existant in the 30mins. Although did have a couple of Swifts heading North. Again though good feeding over reed beds.
Had two new Garden Warblers, one singing at the bottom of the Crags and another right at the top before the junction with the main track. Although this bird had come down a bit on my return and was then seen quite near to the bottom of the Crags. Also had about three Blackcaps at various points in the Crags. On the upper I had the Cuckoo, which was holding its normal territory plus for a time on the Common as well. And I also had another Cuckoo calling at almost the same time but from the other side of the wall in Lancelot, so obviously there is another one about also.
Had two Redstarts singing on tree edges of Dalton upper. All Tree Pipits doing well. Over thirty different plants of the Early Purple Orchid in Dalton upper. Also first showing of Herb Robert. A couple of Peacock Butterflies, four Speckled Wood Butterflies. Found some Hairy Rockcress but needs a couple of weeks yet. and a super bonus on getting back to plain quarry, with a large (16") Slow-worm, ziz zagging across the pathway and into the undergrowth.
3rd March
The continuing settled weather was a massive boon from the enjoyable
fieldwork point of view and by dint of plenty of effort there were
eventually a few re...
15 hours ago