0630hrs Chiff Claw was singing away from Sunny Glen, Clawthorpe.
0800 – 1230hrs Plain Quarry via Dalton to Common, Lancelot, Burton, Lancelot, Storth and back to Plain.
I checked out the same area as yesterday in particular for snails and never had one! I can only presume it was because maybe it was still a little nippy from the early morning frost.
Both Plain Quarry Chiffs, Craig and Craggy were calling, but like the others far less these days.
In the clearing just before the crag their was a Blackcap, a couple of Willow Warblers, and also a Redpoll calling. And whilst going up through the crags, I had a further four Willow Warblers singing, a Garden Warbler and also another (new) Blackcap at the top of the Crags.
Going into Dalton (upper or deforested) I was met instantly by Sky singing his little heart out, and a couple of Willow Warblers to the left hand side.
Just on approaching the “line of trees” in the lower section I had a female Greenland Wheatear, and this was followed by a further five birds on the area I call the “Wheatear Plain”. One of these additional birds was a definite male, with very light slate grey plumage, whilst the others yet again had the more olive green backs and although the orange bib shows on some of them, it did not on others and this was replaced on the others with a black spot! All birds were very much upright in their stance. Whilst observing these my attention was taken by a (new) calling Lesser Whitethroat, which again was calling from the “line of trees”. On closer investigation, I also had another one singing as well, so two new birds.
A party of five calling Linnets flew overhead NE. Tree Pipits were calling from several points on Dalton (upper). The regular Cuckoo was seen flying from tree to tree, as usual when it settled it always has the “dangling” primaries.
Crossing over into Lancelot, I had lots of Early Purple Orchids, and did manage to collate the co-ordinances for most of them. The same was also carried out in both Burton Fell and also a few further down in Lancelot (lower). I had a further seven calling Willow Warblers in the top section of Lancelot.
Crossing over into Burton Fell, I had ten calling Willow Warblers throughout, also a new Garden Warbler, a Blackcap, a Linnet and a Mistle Thrush. At the big stone I had what I thought perhaps another new Garden Warbler, but just did not have the time spare to check out thoroughly.
Crossed back lower down into Lancelot (lower), and here besides the many Early Purple Orchids, also had the Red stems and leafage of the “Cow Wheat” which was well formed and now looks like theres going to be another superb local colony of this rarer species. Also Lily of the Valley and Angular Solomons Seal doing well. Two very small colonies of the rare Alpine Lady’s Mantle.
The birds in this area of Lancelot included two of the three Chiffs, eg: Miss A Note and Clarky were singing, 4 Willow Warblers, 2 Blackcaps and one Sparrowhawk. Also had a male Orange Tip Butterfly, and a couple of Peacocks and one Green Veined White.
Leaving Lancelot and headed back via Storth Woods in Dalton, had again two of the three Chiffs singing eg: Storm, and Stor, At least two Willow Warblers, three Blackcaps, one Garden Warbler. Also first Eyebright flowers today, and also some Bugle.
Also had a further two Willow Warblers and Chiff Summer singing from near the old summer house ruins.
3rd March
The continuing settled weather was a massive boon from the enjoyable
fieldwork point of view and by dint of plenty of effort there were
eventually a few re...
15 hours ago