Yesterday Sunday 10th June 2012. Walk through Lancelot and Burton Fell etc.
1200hrs - 1730hrs. Chiff Vicar singing away. Lots of Ladybirds about. Also Chiffs Bluebell, Clarky and Miss A Note singing from Pickles Wood. Betony starting to come through now with well advanced leafage. Two separate Small Pearl Bordered Fritillaries seen whilst traversing the Fells. Also Small Heath Butterflies and lots of Eyebright flowers.
Climbing up through upper Lancelot found a new Rock Rose colony and also a small quantity of Limestone Polypody Fern.
Also found lots of Hard Shield Fern and Limestone Polypody Fern whilst on Burton Fell, together with a pair of Dark Red Helliborine.
On way took photo of a Green Hairstreak Butterfly which was of poor quality and worn, and only a small amount of Green on its forewings (see photo), it seemed busy enough feeding on Speedwell and Crowberry (or similar).
Also whilst on Hutton Roof managed to find four of the rare Fly Orchids.
Heard Cuckoo calling from over the top of Lancelot, also heard Green Woodpecker, and still Redpoll going overhead traversing South East for food. Also a party of eight House Martins feeding very high up.