(Photos: from top:1) Mountain Mellick, 2) Old Man Easter, 3)White Shark Stone, 4) Hairy Rockcress in gryke. 5) Unidentified Fern. 6) Broad Leaved Helliborine.
Monday 4th June 2012. Lancelot Clark Storth.
1545hours until about 1800hrs.
First went up to a area known for its Common Rock Rose, which I surveyed and noted, together with some Lily Of The Valley.
Also had a Small Tortoishell Butterfly feeding on the nettle. You still dont see that many of this species since their "crash" about 4 years ago.
Then went to the "Old Mans Face" pavement which runs quite near to the well within Lancelot. Here I assessed the Angular Solomon's Seal, Lily Of The Valley, and several Dark Red Helliborines (full leafage and buds). Also found more of the suspected rare "Mountain Melick Grass" (still awaiting full confirmation on this. Check out photos.
On my way back crossed over the larger pavements (the middle one) which is the next pavement near to the Old Mans Face pavement and is also the route down through the Cowpens at Storth and back into Lancelot and home. Here just checked on some old Helliborine sites. Had more Lily Of The Valley and Angular Solomon's Seal to book down and also a spot where some Common Cow Wheat was growing.
Tuesday 5th June 2012 - Trig to Common and Several areas on the Common. 0900hrs - 1300hrs.
A couple of Green Woodpeckers in Dalton deforested. One of them well immature and mainly of a olive green appearance with lemon coloured rump. No red or black showing. Most of the Tree Pipits where singing. Also had Cuckoo calling in its usual area and then again over by the "Cairns" on the Common.
On the Common quite close to the Trig, I checked out several areas and noted good populations of Crowberry or is it Bilberry, but quite substantial and obviously gave thought to the "Green Hairstreak Butterflies presence" and will be checking this out on a nice sunny day!
Whilst at the Trig also noticing lots of Redpolls backwards and forwards to the SE and back, obviously must have bred closeby and going out to collect suitable food etc.
Checked out the Craggy fragmented sloping pavements leaving the Trig point to its North. On one of the slopes, I noticed some "Hairy Rockcress" actually growing out of a small hollow on the actual limestone (see photo). And on the last crag/pavement before you drop down to the lower crags, I had some more Common Rock Rose, Lots of Spring Springwort, and one very healthy Dark Red Helliborine.
Made my way down the Crags and in the vicinity had two well distanced separate "Broad Leaved Helliborines" (leafage and buds only).
Then checked out another pavement which I call "Easter Man's pavement" (Simply for me its quite near to the stone I've christened "Easter Man" (in view of the fact, that from its side on appearance it looks very much like the stone figures on Easter Island (see photo). Now on this pavement I had quite a bit of "Travellers Joy", Lily Of The Valley, 2 plants of the Lesser Meadow Rue, and quite near to the centre of the pavement was a "Guelder Rose".
Headed then for what I call the "viewpoint", thats just off the main footpath which sort of is the main crossover between the "Cairns" to Kelker or The Rakes" and here sample checked out the fragmented sloping limestone pavements to either side. I found a couple of new to me, colonies of Rock Rose, also some Lily Of The Valley and plenty of Angular Solomon's Seal. Also had a couple of Siskin calling from this area and probably good possibilities that they have bred! I found the "fern" lying low in the gryke and next to it was a Dark Red Helliborine. I dont know what sort of fern this is, but one I havnt set eyes on before, and currently seeking advice to its identification.
Some of these limestone pavement and grykes are like "Noahs Ark" and if you look carefully you can see all sorts of shapes with some, having similarities to animals. I have just found one which I have called the "White Shark Stone".... well you might think different! (see photo).