Wednesday, 30 November 2011
More Notes on Migration - Mipits - Early Oct 2011
The first main peak count was on Monday September 26th 2011 – that’s bang on with any expected “peak” date. Over four hours I had 495 birds. And then there was another secondary main “peak” count on Saturday October 1st 2011 of which I counted 541 birds.
But for me the main primary count this year was on Tuesday October 4th 2011, with a count of 1004 birds all heading South to South West. And these included some great parties of, 40,30, lots of 22’s and 20’s etc. I actually got this “higher than normal” count from a area slightly to the SE of my usual watchpoint (Clawthorpe Road) and the area chosen was very close to the vicinity of Kelker Well, the area was recorded as: (SD5591778345).
The reason I chose this area instead of the usual “Clawthorpe Road” watchpoint, is that I could see birds in the far distance crossing over the Kelker Well area in some quantity and so by the time I actually got to the Kelker spot, I had obviously missed lots of birds. The day had very strong winds of a Westerley 25mph gusting to 30mph at times, and then the wind actually swung around to the North West. It was quite noticeable that some of the parties of birds did seem to be coming from in the bottom, having already come from the Newbiggin side of Farleton, but suspicion led to a probability that the bulk of the birds could well have been coming from the direction of the Lupton area. And furthermore it was also suspected that birds could have also been crossing from further over into the next valley which runs from Sedbergh to Kirkby and close to the area of Barbon. Some of the birds did give the impression they may well have come down this routing.
It was clear there was a massive broad movement that morning and the birds seem to meet up and funnel through what I now call “Kelker Gap” (SD5591778345) and sort of climb up and over to follow on in the direction of Trig Point (SD5560477458), and onward to a presumed Littledale/Trough of Bowland onward passage.
I do think that probably why it was so good on that morning was because of the strong Westerley winds, which actually kept the birds down to a low altitude (eg: Max of about 20-75 ft high and which in turn gave good visability to them. If the winds had been more kind I do think they would not have funnelled but gone through in a more direct course at higher altitudes.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
"Bus Pass Birders Bus" - the 555

It was great to have this vision of the “Bus Pass Birders Bus”, in fact it was the 555 which stops right outside my house in Burton, so how’s that for a service….. with a smile. Well whether it’s a smile from him at the wheel, I’m not so sure, but its certainly a smile from me. 95% of the drivers I get will either give a great welcome “hi”…, and sometimes some have a smile to go with it, and some I find greet you with a just about audible “grunt”, and there are others who are just carrying on giving someone the “silent treatment” maybe from breakfast or maybe to be sociable is not their thing. Nothing wrong with that if that’s the way they want it…But yesterday, and today I choose to be with the happy chappies.
These new buses are great, especially with that bigger than life upstairs front seat panoramic view. And the buses are aptly named after the “pikes” so far I’ve had “Helvelynn”, “Loughrigg” “Langdale” and yesterday it was the mighty “Skiddaw”.
I must remember to take some photos of those buses next time out. Thinking about it others might say, "there goes another blinkin anorak"! so what!, what’s wrong with “another anorak”, some of us were train spotters in the 50s, and it still rubs off, and some of us are also birdwatchers today! And some of us might even be daft enough to go to the same place everyday and count birds flying past.
I did say, for my part Birdwatcher yes! but Twitcher no! Will somebody please tell them the difference. I really do have to smile or there again I might even laugh when someone calls me a “Twitcher”. I guess sometimes I may even resort to the “screwed up face mode” with the extras thrown in of “eyebrows raised high” whilst at the same time trying to smile! how cheesy that must look, eh..!
And I do often think about the “Bus Pass Birders Bus” needing further improvements such as having windscreen wipers and demisters going when its raining.
Keep up the good work “Stagecoach”
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
More Notes on Migration - Autumn 2011 - Chaffinch and other Finches
Chaffinch and other finches.
Chaffinch this year have been in similar numbers to previous years.
Its always been a mystery to me why the birds seen at Hutton Roof (my watchpoint which is from the watershed summit of the Clawthorpe Road), traverse in a Westerley or alternatively a Easterley direction. At this watchpoint I have never seen this species go in a Southerly direction as you would expect when on autumn migration. Furthermore the same applies to other finch species as well, but there have been odd occasional exceptions where some Linnet and some Goldfinch have gone South Easterley, this could be possible due to the fact they are making wind compensation. It is not a question that all species do this E or W move because in contrast the Meadow Pipit and the Wagtails at this watchpoint always goes strictly in a Southerly direction, just occasionally with slight adjustment to SSW or SSE and probably taking in these adjustments purely for wind compensation.
I do know for a fact that if you were to stand at the bottom of Clawthorpe or on Vicarage Lane, you will see Chaffinch and other finches on migration (in a far lesser degree to HR), and they will be traversing a typical direct Southerly route, which you would expect. This route I have seen coming over Curwen Wood, Russell Farm, Dalton Estate and onward to where I would have presumed was Capernwray and Littledale. I have as yet not checked out the Kirkby Lonsdale, Lupton side. So why on earth would birds wish to traverse that short corridor either East or West as they do? Especially when they have come from the lower plains at both sides of Farleton.
Brambling this year has been poorly represented, with just the odd pair here and there. In the past I have been privy to occasional parties anywhere up to fifteen in number. I don’t think there’s a shortage, its probably a similar situation to the Thrushes this year with their marked absence as yet.
Goldfinch and Siskin have been good this year with many small parties, it is noticeable that the Goldfinch parties mainly cross over to the East or South East side. Odd parties of Siskin have been seen, but mainly they are in singles or pairs coming from the East to West.
Greenfinch, good numbers from October on, they show far later than most of the other Finches, but when they come, they seem to come with vengeance! And good parties can be seen. Equal status to West or East passage.
This year like last year did see small numbers of Twite, nothing to go mad about, but always especially pleased to see this species. In relation to Linnets, odd parties where seen, in fact one party of 32 going West. It has recently become quite noticeable that some of the “silent” finch parties going through West can be of this species. It sometimes can be so hard to hear the slightest of Linnet call and you need the highest degree of concentration with very kind winds and silent background. I have had good records of Redpoll, no high numbers, just the odds or pairs but regular.
Crossbills have been super this year with several noted pairs or small parties. Some have gone West, but the majority seem to have headed in a North East direction.
Hawfinch, not really seen any at the migration watchpoint, but have had them over on the Dalton side, presumed sedentary.
Bullfinch – a definite occasional movement through this area, the best record was a party of five moving East. But regularly seen to come in from the East and alight on nearby trees before spreading out on to the Roof.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Dalton Crags - The Place to Be - Mon Nov 14th 2011
Without doubt the place to be for me to see,
Birds! And more birds, was Dalton Crags…
Straight away ten Fieldfares where having their say,
Cackling and chacking between feeding away.
Redwing at least forty where gliding and see-ipping,
Blackbirds four and twenty and the rest,
Sounded annoyed and scolded at their best
Noisy the Greenfinch, trilled with joy,
Whilst softly does it those Siskins ploy,
Explosive ticks of Hawfinch found,
Not one but eight did make that sound,
Noisily they left that beech so bare,
To another North West they did fare.
But back again tomorrow I’m sure,
For three weeks now, they’ve took the bow.
Jay at bay, skulking behind the hazels,
Pecker pecked on lonely trees,
Must make the most for now, without a care,
Cos Shrike’s not here yet, and I’d bet,
If he were he’d have his say,
Worth checking out another day…….
November 14th 2011.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Further Notes on this years Migrations - 2011 - Starlings
(Where’s the Thrushes? – cos the Starlings have made it
Further points of interest, is that the Starlings were about ten days late in their main arrival peak date this year compared to previous years eg: instead of starting usually on or around the 15th October (peak), it turned out this year that the main peak arrival date was 24th October.
From my records I can confirm that the 24th October was the “peak” arrival of Starlings in any quantity, and also that the previous day (23rd) had also shown slight increases of Starling passage. I should also mention that I had been recording small Starling parties coming in from the East to the West from about the 24th September onset and still ongoing to press.
So from this it could be presumed that the birds (Starlings) had made their crossing of the North Sea on the previous days of the 22nd and 23rd October, when obviously conditions had become suitable for this species in particular, but certainly this did not apply to Thrush species or should I say that Thrush species never took any advantage of this weather as the records show minimal vismig of Thrushes, perhaps just a slight increase in Fieldfares.
Another interesting point I would like to make is that on the following day (25th October) it suddenly became very noticeable that there had been a massive increase of birds (Starlings) (approx 6000 in a single ball) coming out of the Leighton Moss roost. Up until this date the birds leaving the roost and which do travel in this direction on a daily basis was almost negligible and certainly the quantitites would be quite limited and hardly noticeable.
So that day (25th) was in fact the first day that a momentus murmuration happened for me, and was so delightfully experienced. All birds head directly East from their roost over Hutton Roof, almost in line with the Clawthorpe Road corridor. It’s a corridor shown by its topography as a sort of dip in the middle separating Farleton side and the Hutton Roof side, in fact it’s the same corridor the finches all take as well. It can be seen from miles away and I suppose it offers the birds a type of “valley” shelter protection, when it is necessary for them to pass against the winds and close to the ground.
Like I have said the day after the peak was the ultimate, when that single ball gushes over and close to your head and seems to go on for maybe a minute or two, yet as the days go on the birds become even thicker in population, they then spread out in width to a situation where they are seen from as far as the eye can see one way, to as far as the eye can see the other way. But obviously the depth is not a ball, but say a 20ft deep lineage view.
So now I wonder!, its become obvious that the Starlings have arrived in full, maybe a little late, but they are here in their full compliment, well at least as far as the Leighton Moss roosting birds are concerned, the estimate records already submitted by various confirms this.
Perhaps I should also add, is that although Starlings are coming through Hutton Roof, East to West on autumn migration, it is certainly in very small parties and I would consider it a very poor migration corridor in relation to this species, and on the evidence so far I would be thinking that perhaps the best East to West migration corridor lies somewhere further to the South of Hutton Roof, within the North Lancashire areas, possibly crossing over the M6 Motorway (southbound) somewhere between the Forton Services and the M55 Blackpool junction, and onward to their chosen roosting areas of Leighton Moss and Marton Mere.
The vismig counts for this morning are:
Sat Nov 12th 2011 - Hutton Roof
0745hrs to 0900hrs - Wind: S5-8mph.
Fieldfare: 7 (of which came in together and then split with 4 going NW and 3 going E.
Redwing: 10 E
Blackbird: 3W (and lots on Hutton Roof and Clawthorpe Lane)
Chaffinch: 58 (some E some W)
Siskin: 2,
Greenfinch: 3 (1E 2W)
Goldfinch 2W,
Yellowhammer: 1E
Meadow Pipit: 2S
Woodpigeon: 14E
Friday, 11 November 2011
Further Notes on this Years Thrush Migrations.
The wind spoint things yet again , it was a Easterley and blowing at 20mph+ gust. The only records are: Chaffinch: 8, Greenfinch: 1, Goldfinch 1W, Wren a couple of them scolding me as usual, Fieldfare could be heard but was not seen. Redwing: 5W. and some Common Gulls (18) were going East. Nice to see thousands of Starlings going East having left their Leighton Moss roost.
A follow up to yesterdays notes on this years "Thrush Visible Migration":-
The dates this year where so early, well at least in the special case of the Fieldfare, and reading more into this, that is probably the answer to the “shortfall” question.
I agree the inception would have started prior to the 14th and fortunately for the Thrushes they found a suitable short window on the 13th and the 14th quickly terminated by blocking fronts on the 15th.
Because of this short window I am sure that it was necessary to take advantage for the “bulk” of the Thrushes to use this in what was probably a more so than usual “high concentrated” effort to get through.
Fieldfare numbers where seen to come through on the 14th more or less from first light, which would indicate that they had probably come through (crossed North Sea) on the 13th. The 15th saw a reduction in birds by 50% compared to the previous day 14th, and the 16th and 17th saw yet a further reduction by 50% compared to the 15th and since those dates there has been very little in the way of incoming thrush passage, other than minimal slight upward surge on both the 6th and 7th of November, this slight surge coincided with a change from East to Northerly winds. The birds recorded on these dates where only a eight on the 6th and a tenth on the 7th of the original counts going back to the 14th October.
Another fine example of “bulk birds” on this same day (14th October 2011), but more so in regards to Redwing, was the experience of Martyn Priestley of (Caldene Fields, Bradford, W. Yorks) on the 14th October 2011, recording no less than 3604 Fieldfare, but a exceptional count of 29,371 Redwing. And his comments for that day read:
“An unprecendented watch! With a movement of thrushes I have not witnessed before in all my time of Vis migging! Pre dawn Redwings could be seen were coming in from the N mainly directly over my head due to the low mist. Then around 08.19 light rain moved in this weather system provided a break in cloud cover to the E of Caldene Fields over the East Bierley and Tong area. This window and the light rain brought literally thousands and thousands of Redwings into view including two 4,000+ counts!! Around 0945 till 10.30hrs Fieldfare pushed through again to the S with a single party of over 1000+”.
Also some further notes from Martyn read: “So I am thinking that they were moving above cloudbase and when my window appear + the rain, bingo!”, and yet another further relevant note: Why did no one else get the flood< which I expected. I can only think that as they cleared my window they gained height again with the onset of cloud etc. Because early in the morning I was getting smallish visible parties but overhead calls of unseen birds and suspected they were some above cloudbase or they started to disperse further S. I tend to favour the first option”.
Now then, this example shows what can happen when rainfall enters the equation. He would have had a good count that day like most of us, I am sure, but would he have ever had such a fabulous count but for the welcome “light rain interference”that morning, I doubt it very much. I am sure the light rain had brought the birds down into view from probable earlier unseen high altitude.
The weather this time has so far been sadly dominated by Easterlies! Whereby for me, I associate good “push days” with light Westerlies, and especially light Northerlies, but after saying that, last year the push date for here was on a very light South Easterley, and again that is probably why even last years count was less than half of the 2009 count!!
Obviously it would be very nice to see more birds, and I am sure that more birds will come if we get more favourable windows and the weather goes worse in the Baltics or the Scandinavias, but for me as I see it the bulk of the birds, have already passed by long ago.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Old Wall & Fence? at Deerbolt, Grasmere
Yesterday whilst walking from Grasmere, via Rydal to Ambleside, went through Deerbolt Woods, and then at the gate at the top which brings you to Loughrigg Terrace, the random wall had stones with circular cut-outs above one another to enable fence post to be put in through the holes which would then extend the wall even higher with fixed net wire. This wall looked very old, just like the method of fixing post.
I could not help but think, but why? If you were putting these in whilst building the wall, why would you not build the wall a little higher in the first place! I wonder if it was to preserve stone? (Click over photos to enlarge)
Vismig nears its end for another year - Report on Thrush Numbers
Well I suppose its that time of the year once again, and for me it’s the winding down period. In regards to Thrushes, I’ve always considered that if the birds are not in by bonfire night, then that’s it, and that’s always rang true now for many years. I wonder if this year will be the same or are there going to be little burst every now and again of fresh arrivals.
Certainly this year, we have had it so mild, with only one night of substantial frost to call. Has it been a similar weather pattern over in the Baltics or the Scandinavia’s, Could this mild weather have prevented birds from coming over here. If the weather is still mildish over there and there is still plenty of food, why would they bother to come over here, YET.
This year in particular was very strange, first of all I had both Redwing and Fieldfare arrive on the same day eg: Tuesday October 11th 2011 – a party of 9 which consisted of 5 Fieldfare and 4 Redwing. As a rule the bulk of the Fieldfare are recorded in most cases to be about 10 days later than the Redwing.
Normally I would get the bulk of the Redwing “main push” on or around the 16th October, and the bulk of the Fieldfare “main push” on or around the 26th October. This year, especially in the case of the Fieldfare, they started to come in so early as shown in the example, and it was even more strange to record such a early “push” day with this species, eg: (Friday October 14th 2011 and good but reduced counts for the follow up two days also).
I’ve also thought that when Thrushes are on their first major push, which this year was on Friday October 14th 2011 (Fieldfares only). That if the bulk don’t arrive or are not on their way during the same time of that initial push (eg: that day and the following 2 days), then I am of the opinion, we are not going to get them.
I am now beginning to think that this year we have probably missed observing them. For me the reasons we have missed them, is through them over flying us at very high altitude. I am sure that this is very common every year, and more so in weather favourable years than others, and as such some years you will get good records and other years poorer records. Possibly this year was a good favourable weather situation for the birds in mid October and they were able to pursue their migrations at such high altitude leaving us with a much poorer records year.
I have in the passed experienced on no less than three separate annual occasions that the weather conditions have been so good for the birds, that they are flying at high altitudes, and when checking out with my binoculars, a party already high at cloud base, have then noticed, yet another party resembling just ever so small black dots, going through at a far greater high altitude than the first party. And if you hadn’t been lucky enough at that time to have been checking the first party with your binoculars, then I’m afraid you would have missed them (Quite easily). When this is the case, I think it could be well possible that we get lower counts than we probably expected. Yet even in these “bird favourable weather” conditions, we do get birds also at lower and mid altitudes as well.
Also, I suppose another possibility in regards to a shortage of thrushes could be that although the onset of the migration had started off OK with good weather during the earlier crossing, and then the weather turned to more unfavourable conditions, that the follow up birds, may decide to not bother with their intended North Sea crossing, and instead head South down the mainland.
Yesterdays belated vismig report:
Visible Bird Migration – Wednesday November 9th 2011.Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs – 0900hrs
Wind: E 5mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Redwing: 77 (11W 66E)
Fieldfare: 56 (25SW 31SE)
Blackbird: 1 W
Mistle Thrush: 1 E
Alba Wagtail: 1
Chaffinch: 88 (E & W)
Goldfinch: 3 E
Siskin: 2 E
Greenfinch: 6 E & W
Also could hear Golden Plover but not seen.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Tues Nov 8th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: E 12-15mph, Visability poor to both flanks but OK close. Light drizzle at times.
Movement: South unless stated.
Again very poor today with few birds, and not the best conditions, what few Thrushes we had were going in silly directions from us eg: North, North East.
Fieldfare: 130 (N/NE/E) best: 50,20,20.
Redwing: 100 (E & NE) best: 50,30.
Blackbird: 1 W
Chaffinch: 63 E & W
Goldfinch: 1 E
Greenfinch: 2 E
Meadow Pipit: 2
Starling 3 W (thousands ex roost to East with leisure)
LBBG: 7 E (probably from roost).
Monday, 7 November 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Mon Nov 7th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0815hrs - 1030hrs
Wind: NE 8mph, Total blue sky.
Movement: South unless stated.
Fieldfare: 435 (345 W, 90 E) best: 100,80,50s..
Redwing: 301 (271 W, 30 NE) best: 120, 40s..
Blackbird: 5 W
Chaffinch: 46 (W or E)
Greenfinch: 3 W
Goldfinch: 14 (One party of 12E)
Bullfinch: 1
Meadow Pipit: 4
Woodpigeon: 26 (14E and 12W)
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sun Nov 6th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: NE 5-8mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Redwing: 630 (50W and 580NE/E/SE) (best: 140,80,50,50,50)
Fieldfare: 294 (110W 184E)
Mistle Thrush: 13 W (one party)
Chaffinch: 194 (W & E)
Goldfinch: 15 (W & E)
Siskin: 2
Linnet: 4
Greenfinch: 5 W
Meadow Pipit: 6
Skylark: 2
Jackdaw: 14 SW (one party)
Alba Wagtail: 2
Woodpigeon: 55 E (several small parties)
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sat November 5th 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0745hrs - 1015hrs
Wind: N 8-10 mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Today still quiet in general, but did have Woodpigeons going South and one skein of Pink Feet.
Thrush Sp. 100 S (at first light)
Fieldfare: 53 S (one party 50)
Blackbird 1 W.
Starling: 26 W (20,5,1)
Woodpigeon: 254 S (60,140,50,4)
Pink Footed Goose: 60 S/SW (one skein at 0900hrs)
Meadow Pipit: 35 (30 of them one ex blogging party)
Greenfinch: 8 W
Chaffinch: 79 W & E
Goldfinch: 10 W & E
Siskin: 2 E
Skylark: 1
Jackdaws: 13 S
Alba Wagtail: 1
Friday, 4 November 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Fri Nov 4th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SE/S 3 - 4 mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Fieldfare: 1 W
Chaffinch: 28 E & W
Goldfinch: 3 E
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Thr 3rd November 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SE 5-8mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Fieldfare: 28 SE (3W,11SE,14SE)
Redwing: 24 W (4,20)
Chaffinch: 39 W & E
Alba Wagtail: 2 E
Meadow Pipit: 2
Siskin: 1
Crossbill: 8 NW (one party)
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Wed Nov 2nd 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0845hrs
Wind: Easterly 12-15mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Again so quiet! Cant ever remember having a Nov 2nd without lots of Fieldfares! Goldcrest on the move.
Redwing: 26 W (7 from East dropped into Roof for feeding)
Fieldfare: 2 E
Chaffinch: 62 (E & W 50%)
Goldfinch: 1 E
Greenfinch: 3 W
Siskin: 8 W (One party 6)
Linnet: 2
Goldcrest: 4 E (2,1,1) (Very rare here on passage)
Alba Wagtail: 1
Stock Dove: 2
Cormorant: 1 W
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Tues November 1st 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SW 10-12 mph.
Movement: South unless stated.
Fieldfare: 24 W (2,2,7,8,1)
Redwing: 5 W (1,2,2)
Blackbird: 2 W
Chaffinch: 135 W & E (75% W 25% E)
Greenfinch: 4 W
Siskin: 15 W (best party 6)
Redpoll: 2 W
Brambling: 2 W
Linnet: 1 E
Goldfinch: 1 E
Meadow Pipit: 9
Starling: 2 W (hundreds extremely high going E from roost to feed)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1 W
Woodpigeon: 7 SE (5,2)
Lesser Black Backed Gull: 129 all going SE (probably from roost out to feed)
Monday, 31 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Mon 31st October 2011
(This is a short video of the Starling roost at Leighton from 2009 - I managed to dig it out of the archives, I will be going for some new video later this week. Please enjoy....)
Visible Bird Migration - Monday October 31st 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SSW 15mph
"Hauntingley quiet"
Fieldfare: 215 (All W, a party of approx 200 plus dribs and drabs up to 15)
Redwing: 7 W (3,2,2)
Blackbird: 1 W
Mistle Thrush: 1 W
Starling: None, but maybe a few hundred E from roost.
Goldfinch: 2 W
Chaffinch: 75 either E or W
Siskin: 5 (2,1,2)
Greenfinch: 13 (1,3,1,4,3)
LBBG: 300 in 30s all East presumed ex roost.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sun 30th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0645hrs - 0900hrs
Wind: SW 15mph, then swinging and decreasing S 12mph then SE 8mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Redwing: 83 (52 W and 31 NE)
Fieldfare: 71 (69 W and 2 NE)
Starling: 4 NW and (only a few hundred ex roost E - going high and missing them)
Blackbird: 2 W
Mistle Thrush: 2 E (I could hear several down on the Roof)
Chaffinch: 142 (split W and E)
Greenfinch: 8 W
Brambling: 2 E
Linnet: 7 W (one party 6)
Siskin: 5
Goldfinch: 2 W
Alba Wagtail: 2
Meadow Pipit: 1
Curlew: 1 SE
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Fri 28th & Sat 29th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs - 1130hrs.
Wind: W 3-5mph, Dry
Movement: South unless stated.
A pick up with Mipits today. A suprise House Martin.
Fieldfare: 301 (some West and some East) best: 70,50,50,30)
Redwing: 17 (16 W 1 E)
Mistle Thrush: 1 E
Blackbird: 1 W (But HR full of fresh Blackbirds scores+
Starling: 27 W (20,7) also about 2000 ex roost going E to feed
Chaffinch: 186 (some W some E)
Crossbill: 2+
Goldfinch: 16 E
Linnet: 4 W
Greenfinch: 12 W
Siskin: 5
Meadow Pipit: 76 (best 30,16,10 probably ex bloggers from North)
House Martin: 1 SW (being mobbed by a couple of Mipits)
Skylark: 1
Visible Bird Migration - Saturday October 29th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0800hrs - 0930hrs.
Wind: SE 10-12mph then S 10-12mph.
Movement: South unless stated.
Fieldfare: 126 (43W and 3NE and 40 SE)
Redwing: 30 W (20,10)
Chaffinch: 75 (E & W)
Greenfinch: 5 (2E 3W)
Brambling: 4 W (one party)
Linnet: 1 W
Alba Wagtail: 1
Woodpigeon: 12 (4S 8 NE)
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Thurs 27th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs 0930hrs.
Wind: SE 10mph (or force 3) Rain light/medium from 0830 up to 0900hrs.
Movement: South unless stated.
Fieldfare: 58 W (best: 30,10,8,7)
Redwing: 5 W (lots of calls where heard going over in early darkness)
Blackbirds: 2 W but lots on the roof, probably scores+ down on roof.
Mistle Thrush: 1 E
Chaffinch: 35 (some E some W) best: 4s and less
Alba Wagtail: 3
Goldfinch: 7 E
Siskin: 1 E
Meadow Pipit: 2
Starling: 21 W (plus 500-1000 x roost)
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Wed 26th October 2011
Visible Bird Migration - Wednesday October 26th 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SE 8-10mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Still so quiet with the Thrushes.
Fieldfare: 66 (57 W and 9 NE) best: 18,10,9.
Redwing: 25 W (best: 6,5,4)
Blackbird: 2 W
Mistle Thrush: 3 W
Chaffinch: 137 W & E
Goldfinch: 15 W & E
Linnet: 3 W
Greenfinch: 5 W
Siskin: 3
Bullfinch: 2W
Alba Wagtail: 1
Meadow Pipit: 2
Starling: 50 W (30,20) and a spectacular 5000 in one ball ex roost to East. Plus another 1000 came through later.
(photo: can be seen at:
LBBG: 12 E
Woodpigeon: 44 (35 E, 9SW)
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Tues 25th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs - 1000hrs.
Wind: SE 12-15mph and dropping back.
Movement: South unless stated.
Virtually no Thrush movement after 0800hrs, just a few Starlings after yesterday. The Starling push yesterday is now beginning finally to show well in this mornings ex roost to the East with over 4000 coming directly over my head and close. The few fieldfare I had, came out of roost on Hutton Roof, and at first behaved just like racing pigeons on being released, and did a complete circle before they got their bearings and then headed West.
Large midge plumes on sides of Ivy covering Hawthorn trees at side of my watchpoint, even at first light 0730hrs, must be a serious indicator of how mild the weather is today.
Fieldfare: 74 (63W 11 SE)
Redwing: 10 (SW)
Blackbird: 5 W
Starling: 59 W (30,15,4,4,2,2)
Chaffinch: 168 W & E (50%)
Siskin: 10 E
Reed Bunting: 1
Goldfinch: 8 W
Greenfinch: 21 (90% W, rest E)
Meadow Pipit: 5
Alba Wagtail: 1
Woodpigeon: 21 (19SW 2 SE)
Stock Dove: 1 SW
Monday, 24 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Mon 24th October 2011
Visible Bird Migration - Mon Oct 24th 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs - 1130hrs.
Wind: SE 20mph with strong regular gust to 40mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Noticeable increase in Starling parties all West average parties 10-30.
Fieldfare: 705 W (500W 200SE) (1000hrs onwards last 5 parties (200 in total) all went SE) best: (200,70,60)
Redwing: 25 W
Starlings: 516 W (best parties: 80,80 and lots of 30s)
Chaffinch: 41 (E & W)
Goldfinch: 3 W
Greenfinch: 12 (8E 4W)
Woodpigeon: 1 W
Mistle Thrush: 1 W
Meadow Pipit: 2.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sun 23rd October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: S15mph, then South West 20mph then S15mph
Weather: Dry on landing, within 5 mins rain throughout up until 1000hrs.
Movement: S unless stated.
90% of the thrushes we had were within the first 30 mins. The wind must have been OK for them then (South), because they were cutting through to the West/WNW with good height and speed, and did not look to be encountering any difficulty with the winds. I did note that one of the early parties was crossing over the Roof and at a good height, and within seconds of the rain starting, the birds were seen to tumble down on to Hutton Roof and commence feeding, and giving the immpression they were not interested in flying during the heavy rain period. Like other counts over this past few days, the last party of Thrushes (120 at 1115hrs) were seen to be going in the South East direction, as though going back on themselves. Also noted on leaving, that hundreds of Fieldfare were actually down on Hutton Roof and feeding.
It was continual rain up until 1000hrs, and at least some birds braved the weather, mainly finches. When the rain cleared it made no difference, there was still not that many birds coming through.
Fieldfare: 330 W/WNW (best parties 120,50) 120 party seen to go SE at 1115hrs.
Redwing: 100 exactly W/WNW (best parties: 60,20)
Mistle Thrush: 2 E (probably local)
Blackbird: 2 W
Starling: 20 W (also noted approx 5-600 from Leighton Moss Roost to East for feeding between 0745hrs and 0830hrs) Over the past two years, I have had on most mornings from about the 15th October, anywhere between 1000 to 6000 birds ex roost and coming straight over my head whilst counting at Hutton Roof, most mornings would average between 2-4000. Its now over one week on and I dont seem to be getting a quarter of what I would usually get, so I am wondering if there is a shortage of Starling or are they just later this year? or have they found alternative roosting sites.......It will be interesting to see what comes into the LM roost this year......
Chaffinch: 93 (W and E, best party: 17) some birds very high from 1030hrs (after rain).
Greenfinch: 16 (W and mainly E)
Goldfinch: 14 (E & W)
Linnet: 6 (one party E)
Redpoll: 1 W
Meadow Pipit: 5
Crossbill: 2 E
Woodpigeon 8 SE
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sat 22nd October 2011
Visible Bird Migration - Sat October 22nd 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0800hrs - 1100hrs
Wind: W 15mph, then at 0900hrs swung to South 10-15mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Noticeable during the past few days that Chaffinch have took a dive which is regular by now, Mipits are virtually finished just odds. Thrushes still OK at early hours. Still no massive "push".
Fieldfare: 470 W (best: 120,60, all early parties 20s,30s or less)
Redwing: 76 W (best: 40,30,6)
Starling: 20 W (one party - also a few hundred x roost to E)
Chaffinch: 93 (W or E)
Redpoll: 6 W (one party)
Greenfinch: 10 W
Siskin: 2 W
Goldfinch: 7 W
Linnet: 10 W (one party 8)
Reed Bunting: 2 (1,1)
Meadow Pipit: 15
Skylark: 2
Alba Wagtail: 1
Stock Dove: 1 W
Woodpigeon: 27
Blue Tit: 5
Friday, 21 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Fri 21st October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1130hrs.
Wind: SW 15 - 20 mph and freshening. Also heavy rain at times and mist, vis down to 15 yards up to 0930hrs.
Movement: South unless stated.
Fieldfare: 421 (all W) best parties: 130,100,60)
Redwing: 113 (all W) best parties: 40,30,12)
Blackbird: 2 W
Chaffinch: 48 (W or E)
Greenfinch: 6 W
Goldfinch: 3 W
Woodpigeon: 6E
Meadow Pipit: 2
Starling: 5 W
Pink Footed Goose: 20 NE (1100hrs over Farleton)
Checked out HR from 1500 - 1700hrs, no birds, winds blowing SW 25-35.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Thr 20th October 2011
Visible Bird Migration - Thursday October 20th 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1100hrs
Wind: W 8 - 10mph, first proper frost.
Movement: South unless stated.
Some thrushes through first thing, then quiet, with a little upsurge of 3 parties at 0930hrs and then quiet once again up to leaving. Best party yet of 32 Linnet SW. One pair of Yellowhammers.
Blackbird: 5 NW (2,1,2)
Fieldfare: 197 NW (1 SE) best parties: 30,30,30.
Redwing: 12 NW (all singles or pairs)
Meadow Pipit: S 29
Chaffinch: 186 (Mainly W some E - best 6s)
Goldfinch: 17 (Mainly W some E)
Greenfinch: 13 W (best 8)
Linnet: 32 SW (one party)
Bullfinch: 1
Redpoll: 9 SW (one party)
Siskin: 14 W (2,4,2,6)
Yellowhammer: 2
Alba Wagtail: 3
Woodpigeon: 26 SW (there are hundreds at the top of the Lune Valley to my NE, going SE as though over Dent in parties of 50s+)
Starling: 400+ Ex Leighton roost to East, 22W (probable movers)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1 W
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Wed 19th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0900hrs
Wind: W 8-10mph, very bright after 0830hrs
Movement: South unless stated.
Today never got going, not many thrushes, just stuff that came through in the first half hour and then stopped completely. Nice to see a Merlin. Disturbed a Snipe whilst walking across Hutton Roof.
Fieldfare: 146 NW (best: 40,20,20)
Redwing: 45 NW (best: 30)
Blackbird: 2 NW
Chaffinch: 105 (Mainly W but a lot went E)
Greenfinch: 14 W (best 6)
Goldfinch: 5
Linnet: 1 W
Alba Wagtail: 1
Meadow Pipit: 16
Woodpigeon: 16 all SW
Merlin: 1 SW
Redpoll: 1 W
Siskin: 1
Common Snipe 1
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Tues 18th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0900hrs.
Wind: Westerley 30mph with gust. speckly rain at times. Colder.
Movement: South unless stated.
Although some birds did brave the strong winds and took on the upward lifts, yet still on reach HR where within single figure feet above the ground weaving in and out of the contours etc. I did suspect, without any evidence that most of the Thrushes today would have preferred to have a more tolerant out of the wind passage by going North West down in the bottom on the Lupton Valley side. A special highlight was watching a Pintail come through to the West, again low to the ground and twisting and turning. Four early doors Pink Feet W. Sparrowhawk in pursuit of squealing Starling which got away, the Sparrowhawk seem to give up! (obviously not that important!)
Fieldfare: 237 all NW (best parties: 40,30,25,25,20,20,20)
Redwing: 96 all NW (best parties: 30,20,20)
Chaffinch: 42 all either W or E (best parties: 6,6)
Alba Wagtail: 1
Greenfinch: 2 W
Goldfinch: 4 W
Bullfinch: 1 W
Meadow Pipit: 2
Woodpigeon: 14 W
Pintail: 1 W
Pink Footed Goose: 4 SW at 0754hrs.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Mon 17th October 2011

Visible Bird Migration - Monday October 17th 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1000hrs
Wind: W 25mph increasing all the time to 30mph at leaving
Movement: South unless stated.
It was a absolutely superb experience for the watcher, and must have been a incredible hard challenge for the birds, though they just kept coming during that first hour, but in small groups and fragmented because of the extreme Westerley winds hindering them. They were at times almost touching the ground, with hundreds going directly over my head within inches. I watched them come up almost to Whin Yeats Farm (Windy Gap) and then finding it difficult to climb Farleton and so would arc back and swing around to come up directly over the gap where I stood.
Fieldfare: 1346 (all North West) (best party: 120,120,70,70, mainly, 20-40 parties) 1100 in the first hour, 200 in second hour and 55 in last hour)just pairs after 0930hrs.
Redwing: 577 (all North West) (best party: 70,50,50, and lots averaging 20 to 30 (470 in first hour) 100 approx after.
Blackbird: 18 (all North West) (2,5,2,2,8,1)
Chaffinch: 73 (all West or East, best parties: 5,5,4 etc)
Alba Wagtail: 4
Starling: 50 W (30,20)
Goldfinch: 3 W
Greenfinch: 8
Meadow Pipit: 1
Sparrowhawk: 1 (probably local).
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sun 16th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1200hrs
Wind: Westerley 10-15, Rain and mist with vis down to 30 yards.
Movement: South unless stated.
Today started with terrible weather with continual rain and visibility down to almost 30 yards. A few birds where seen to go directly overhead within 20 yards (almost all where Finches to a score or so), and odd Thrush calls where heard. At approx 0900hrs the mist started to lift and by 0945hrs it had 90% cleared also the rain had stopped. For the next 30 minutes or so it was very lively with lots of Thrush parties going through, again mainly Fieldfare. All birds went W to NW which is their normal routing. I just had one party of FF at 1055hrs which went SE. The wind seemed to have picked up a bit, and it was making the Thrushes cross from say Barbon direction to Whin Yeats Farm and then gain height to cross over Farleton. Pinkfeet heard but just could not get on them. First Bramblings.
Fieldfare: 1381 W or NW (just one party of about 180 went SE) (best parties: 250,180,150,100,100)
Redwing: 364 W or NW (best parties: 60,40, most around 20)
Blackbird: 15 NW (8,6,1)Mistle Thrush: 4 NW
Starling: 80 W (50,30)
Chaffinch: 138 W or E (best parties: 4s)
Brambling: 4 W (2,2)Goldfinch: 26 W or E (best parties: 8,7,6)
Siskin: 3
Redpoll: 2
Greenfinch: 40 W (best parties 20,11)
Alba Wagtail: 6
Meadow Pipit: 43
Reed Bunting: 1
Coal Tit: 3
Skylark: 1
Woodpigeon: 25 (24W 1E)
Pink Footed Goose (a good skein at 1040hrs, sounded as though to S or SW, very large, could hear for 10mins but just could not see)
Goose sp: A large V formation could be seen over the bay by Warton heading S, poss 75-150?
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sat 15th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs to 1200hrs
Wind: SSE 5-8 mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Today was steady for the first three hours and then just trickles after. The Thrushes did start off very well going W and even NW, then this like yesterday turned for them to go W/SW and also N and NE and SE, so they almost did the full circle of directions. No fabulous large parties, but did have a 250 at 1130hrs.
Fieldfare: 2521 (Like I've said all directions, but started W/NW) (best parties: 250,150,120,80s)
Redwing: 1076 (mainly West, some East) (best parties: 100,80,70)
Chaffinch: 407 (as usual East or West - today 50%)
Mistle Thrush: 2 W
Meadow Pipit: 34 mainly SW some SE.
Alba Wagtail: 8
Bullfinch: 2
Woodpigeon: 98 (mainly E some SW)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1 E
Greenfinch: 24 (Mainly E some W)
Goldfinch: 80 (Mainly E odds W)
Blue Tit: 10
Coal Tit: 2
Great Tit 4
Siskin: 11 mainly W
Linnet: 2 W
Starling: 83 W (best: 60,20)
Song Thrush: 1W
Skylark: 5 W (best: 3)
Kestrel: 2 SW (plus local bird)
Yellowhammer: 1Goldcrest: 1 (possibly local)
Long Tailed Tit (one party 20+ possibly local)
Pink Footed Goose: 120 South
My thanks also to Jean Roberts and also to Bill, Jeff and Jenny of the L&DBWS.
Friday, 14 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Fri 14th October 2011

Visible Bird Migration - Friday October 14th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1200hrs.
Wind: SE/SSE 10mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Today was good early with Thrushes, curtailing at 1000hrs, other than odd parties. Thrushes in the main were to South, South West, and West. Occasional parties to the NW and after 1000hrs odd parties started to go South East. At 1100hrs the 3 or 4 parties came through to the West.
Chaffinch Strong today. More Woodpigeon today.
Fieldfare: 4223 (mainly S to SW, but also W,NW,SE) (best parties:180,170,150,140,140,120,120).
Redwing: 998 (mainly West some E) (best parties: 150,60,60,60,50,40,40,40,40)
Chaffinch: 338 (mainly W but at least 25% E)
Greenfinch: 55 (mainly W some E) (best parties: 14,10,8)
Goldfinch: 58 (mainly W some E) (best parties: 20,12,8)
Siskin: 41 (mainly W some E) (best parties: 12,10)
Crossbill: 7 E (6,1)
Linnet: 4 W
Skylark: 5 SW (3,2)
Mistle Thrush: 1W
Starling: 33 W (all small groups gave the appearance of "continentals")
Woodpigeon: 75 (some E some W - best parties: 18,17,8)
Alba Wagtail: 8
Blue Tit: 8
Coal Tit: 2
Lapwing: 15 W
To check out party sizes double click over "notebook pages above"
I have been to check out the area which lies a few hundred yards further on than Nanny Hall-Timberyard area (Dalton Road - Kirkby - Nr turn off for Hutton Roof - It collects stuff here going over to Docker and onward past Capernwray. Here there were thousands of birds, which included hundreds of Fieldfare feeding up along with hundreds of Starlings, all being very noisy.
Also here I had a party of 32 Skylark went overhead.
Then went up to Trig Point (Hutton Roof). Here I had 4 Redwing overhead going SE, and 30 Fieldfare overhead going SE. Also a party of at least 100 Fieldfare on Dalton deforested. Also some Redwing close to the communial roost, but did not count them because I did not want to disturb. Also still 40 Mistle Thrush, along with several Greenfinch in Lower Dalton Crags. I had 27 Meadow Pipit in Dalton deforested plus 4 overhead heading South.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Thr 13th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SE 8-10mph, with gust to 15
Cloudy at first, blue skies to W
Movement: South unless stated.
Nice to get some Fieldfare and Redwing. It was clear more or less from the start especially with the Fieldfare, some of them were not happy and came in to Hutton Roof and would then circle a couple of times and continue to go W, however some of the parties went back SE. Some of them came down into HR to rest and feed. Good mixture early on. Good Skylark move.
Chaffinch: 293 (mainly W but some E)
Meadow Pipit: 133
Reed Bunting: 3
Alba Wagtail: 30
Redpoll: 43 (all W or SW) (best party: 17)
Siskin: 48 (best parties 13,13)
Goldfinch: 93 (best parties 16,10,10)
Greenfinch: 63 (best party 22)
Crossbill: 8 E (2,2,4)
Skylark: 49 SE (best parties: 25,14)
Linnet: 17
Blackbird: 1
Song Thrush: 1
Redwing: 230 W (best parties: 60,50,50,24)
Fieldfare: 332 W (best parties: 250,80,40)
Mistle Thrush: 2 W
Starling: 9 W
Blue Tit: 5
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 5 (4 E 1W)
1300hrs - 1700hrs - Hutton Roof
Redwing: 275 W (best parties: 75,50,50,40,30,30)
Also brilliant to see birds where again this year using the same communial roost. Without wishing to disturb the birds, I did count at least 100 in the next tree, but there would probably be hundreds more in the close vicinity. Last year I counted no less than 370 birds
Fieldfare: 13 SW
Mistle Thrush: 2
Meadow Pipit: 7
Goldfinch: 10
Siskin: 3
Chaffinch: 21
Skylark: 5 SE (as late as 1715hrs)
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Wed 12th October 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0915hrs - 1015hrs.
Wind: W 8mph
Weather: Drizzle at times and low cloud to both East and West flanks.
Movement: South unless stated.
Today turned out, yet another washout, with heavy rain from first light up until about 0900hrs, also mixed with this 30 yard visibility, I decided not to bother, and went when things looked a little better at 0915hrs. But by then it was very quiet, just simply no-birds. Left at 1015hrs.
Redpoll: 3SE
Woodpigeon: 16E
Goldfinch: 47 (one party 30 N which also had a couple Siskin as well as)
Siskin: 3
Chaffinch: 25 (7E)
Meadow Pipit: 7
Redwing: 1
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Tues 11th October 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1030hrs.
Wind: W15-20mph, then NW decreasing to 12mph.
Weather: Gusty wind, drizzle and light rain at times, low cloud and vis to 30 yards at times.
Movement: South unless stated.
Could have been great if low cloud had not moved in and take visability down to 30 yards at best, it seemed to do just at the time (0845hrs) the larger Chaffinch parties where just about getting to go. Cleared at 1115hrs but too late. Mipits really taken a tumble. Greenfinch increasing. First Fieldfares. Late Swallows
Chaffinch: 269 (95% W 5%E) (best parties: 20,12,10,10,10)
Meadow Pipit: 20 all SW
Greenfinch: 43 all W (best parties 20,12,11,10)
Siskin: 15
Goldfinch: 43 all W (best party 10)
Linnet: 17 W (one party 10)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 2
Redwing: 48 (best parties: 12,8,11 (4 came in with 5 Fieldfare) all W or NW
Fieldfare: 5 (came in with 4 Redwing) NW
Mistle Thrush: 4 all W
Blackbird: 3 W
Woodpigeon: 6 all E
Starling: 7 W
Alba Wagtail: 7 W
Blue Tit: 4
Great Tit: 2
Swallows: 2
1420hrs - 1620hrs Just returned from HR. Went from Plain Car Park to East of the Trig. Again nothing at all moving through and the winds still very strong.
Although I did have the following:
Dalton Crags & Dalton deforested:
At least 40 Mistle Thrushes, along with a few Redwing. Ravens 3, Greenfinch 1, Chaffinch 2. Also had at least 20 Mipits in Dalton Deforested, and counted at least another 57 on the Common around a 200 yard perimeter of the Trig.
Monday, 10 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Mon 10th October 2011.
1400-1600hrs - Just been out on Hutton Roof and lots of good stuff grounded: two Redwing parties 6,10. Mipits one area near Trig 50+, Greenfinch in Dalton Crags one party of 30+, Goldfinch: one party of 25 at (Dalton deforested) and one of 8, Crossbill: one party of 4 headed out to the NW and more grounded and calling towards Park Wood side. Several Siskin, Two Reed Bunting. A large party of 30+ Mistle Thrush (they've been there for a week or so) but more getting added daily.
So there is stuff there waiting to go. But in regards to moving birds this afternoon, well other than the Crossbill, it was nil. (and it is possible the Crossbill where just moving to other parts of Hutton Roof.
At last (well at least this afternoon), the weather is just about starting to improve eg: the winds calmed a bit!, stopped raining, and that low ceiling cloud is still there, but starting to move up altitude a peg or two and occasionally you can see little patches of blue skies in between. at least for now its not actually covering HR in low mist.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Hat lost to Canal & Pink Feet On their way to Morecambe.

Yesterday I reported having 63 Pink Footed Geese crossing over from Farleton to Hale and then veering left (South) towards Morecambe, this would have been around the 1345hrs. And it later transpired that Jeff down in Morecambe had approx 60 Pink Feet crossing over Torrisholme (1453hrs) and seen again onwards at Aldcliffe and onward to Sunderland Point.
I thought they may have been the same birds as I had earlier, and possibly they where. But if so it did seem a long time between me seeing them Nr. Hale at 1345hrs and Jeff seeing his at 1453hrs, so did it take them one hour eight minutes to traverse the short distance, seemed a long long time to me. In another post Jeff came up with the possible answer "Perhaps they were stacked by air traffic control" So I could not resist this morning doing a short sketch on the subject.
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sat 8th October 2011.REDWING ARRIVALS
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs - 0900hrs
Wind: W 8-10mph and increasing
Movement: South unless stated.
Lightest of drizzle throughout count, but after 0800hrs the low mist started to arrive on Hutton Roof and before long it had completed brought visability down to about 30 yards. Not much then moving, just the odd Chaffinch or two.
Meadow Pipit: 12
Chaffinch: 50 exactly and going W
Starling: 8E
Linnet: 1
Stock Dove: 1
Alba Wagtail: 1
Crossbill: 6 (one party S)
Goldfinch: 6.
later at 0930hrs went up to Trig on Hutton Roof, where it had cleared but before long it was back with more mist. Just odds and sods moving, but did have a party of 6Redwing going over the woodland top (almost touching) in Dalton Crags and they went out in a N direction. Whether these where todays movers or just birds that had been around.
1239hrs: Just informed a few hundred Redwing came into Spurn this morning and now just reported that Redwing parties coming through Oxenhope Nr. Bradford at 1400ft cloudbase. Several parties already recorded, one party at 100 approx.
I had 63 Pink Footed Goose going from Farleton direction West across Moss Lane and just before Hale they turned South and on.
Hutton Roof has remained in a shroud of low cloud all afternoon.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Fri 7th October 2011.
Visible Bird Migration - Friday October 7th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1000hrs.
Wind: NW 3mph
Movement: South unless stated.
It never got going and the few birds that where around almost dried up by 0900hrs. Became hardly any wind and blue skies and warm!
Meadow Pipit: 121 (best parties 10s)
Chaffinch: 105 W or E (best parties 6s)
Goldfinch: 63 (all S or SW) (best parties: 15,15,10)
Siskin: 5 W
Linnet: 8
Redpoll: 8
Crossbill: 10 (one party S)
Greenfinch: 7 (3E)
Alba Wagtail: 2
Woodpigeon: 14E
Blackbird: 4W (2,2)
Redwing: 4W
Mistle Thrush: 2W
Blue Tit: 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1W.
Any movement dried up by 0900hrs, so again I walked the full length of Kelker up toward the climbing areas. No activity anywhere along this stretch today.
at 1500hrs went up to Trig Point, just the odd Mipit going through South West and no Thrushes.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Thr 6th October 2011.

Visible Bird Migration - Thr October 6th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1030hrs
W25 - 35 mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Today again was very windy, but did manage to find a corridor the Mipits where using on the East Side (Kelker Gap). Here they were steadily trickling through with my best party of 40 (1000hrs). Few where also going over at the point approx 400 yards from the stile, as though at the first section of the shelter they got the lift and over, but without doubt a 100 yard wide corridor was very active at the spot I have marked "Kelker Gap". And a big thank you to Martin (from Potters Bar) who so kindly gave me the co-ordinances for the spot). Steady 6+ parties where still going through on leaving.
Meadow Pipit: 250 (best parties 40,22,20,12,10s,8s,6s etc)
Chaffinch: 83 (all West)
Siskin: 13
Goldfinch: 11
Alba Wagtail: 1
Woodpigeon: 3E
Raven: 1
Starling: 4E
Blue Tit: 2
Greenfinch: 2
Mistle Thrush: 2
Swallow: 3
Blackbird: 1
Reed Bunting: 3
Common Buzzard: 1
Also had a party of about 30 Swallows whilst traversing the Canal from Holme to Burton at around the 12noon mark.
Spent the afternoon going up to the Trig and beyond. Even in winds of 50mph there was up to 20 mipits over 30 minutes, went through, though they where struggling and most of the movements where in short distance ups and downs, but still covering distance.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Wed 5th October 2011.

Visible Bird Migration - Wed Oct 5th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0900hrs.
Wind: W 35mph gusting to 50mph.
Movement: South unless stated.
I checked out the lee side of Hutton Roof East - nothing but a few birds on the move today with such high winds, although sheltered birds where not prepared to brave on reaching the top. Checked out all "Gaps" along Hutton East for future, so mobile for most of the time.
Meadow Pipit: 14 (one party 8)
Siskin: 6
Chaffinch: 38 W (best parties 6,4,4)
Goldfinch: 2 W
Mistle Thrush: 2 NW
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Lots Uv Little Wilburs Toneet... tha nus

"Lots of Little Wilburs toneet tha nus"
A once had a maiss cowd "Wilbur".
Wilbur, Is that thee? that daft begger,
Why did ti run out in front tu car?
A cud hav killed tha, tha nus.
Hay Ek! thas a cute little begger,
Luckin up to mi wi that smile,
Eh, an nay thas givin meh a wink!
Well, well, hav sin it all nay.
Tha tails wagging like it might drop off!
Now finish crossin rood Wilbur,
Afore tha gets run ooer.
A lucked in mirror, Oh no!
Of all the places....
A cars gunna tek me!
It ran straight over little Wilbur,
Hi never stood a chance,
Hi were
What a shame.
Winds strong toneet that nus,
Its blewing owd sycamore leaves all ooer rood.
And stalks are stickin up like....
Lots of little Wilburs.....
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Tues 4th October 2011. HIGH MIPIT NUMBERS

Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1030hrs
Wind: W25mph and gusting to 30mph and swinging to NW.
Movement: S-SW
With such strong winds, the movement did not seem to get going at first, although in the far distant SE to where I was and to the rear of Kelker Well and the Rocky area where mountain climbers come on Hutton Roof, I could see the birds (mainly) Mipits piling out of the valleys below and then sort of ascending up the sides of Hutton Roof and over. So at 0800hrs (already missed the vital hour) I quickly traversed the path for several hundred yards until I could get a partial good vantage of what was happening, and they where at that point coming up and over my head in parties of between 20 and 30, most where about 22-25 and this seem to be going on the full breadth of the remainder of the East side of HR. I will certainly be going there for the next couple of days. Sadly when you move over, something has to lose out and in my case it will be the Chaffinch (and other finches). But I must check out whats going on with these Mipits.
When things slackened off at 0930hrs (like turning the tap off), I walked along the full stretch to the Mountain climbers area and that was more or less where the Mipit move finished off and the topography tapers down, but here they where still going through in trickles of parties up to 6. I seem to think that birds where not only coming down the Farleton side, but also across from Lupton and also possibly the other valley which lies further back (Sedbergh-Barbon- Areas to my NE). and all birds where heading in the direction of S as though towards the turbines at Caton.
It will certainly be interesting what turns up (if anything) during the next few days. Never had Mipits in these sort of numbers before (at HR), usually to a max c700 at peak times.
Meadow Pipits: 1004 S/SW (best parties: 40,30, lots at 22, 20, etc)
Chaffinch: 146,
Starling: 8E
Goldfinch: 59 (best parties at 8)
Swallow: 3 (almost touching the ground like mice or albas)
Linnet: 11 (one party 10)
Alba Wagtail: 11
Woodpigeon: 18E
Greenfinch: 5W
Mistle Thrush: 4
Siskin: 12
Redpoll: 8
Bullfinch: 2
Crossbill: 2 (party missed)
Skylark: 1
Monday, 3 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Mon 3rd October 2011.

Visible Bird Migration - Monday October 3rd 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1000hrs.
Wind: W25mph with strong gust, reducing at 0830 to W15mph
Low Cloud bring visibility down to 30 metre at times then lift at 0900hrs.
Movement: South unless stated.
Todays wind was strong at first and suprised any birds braved it, but they did (only a handful), also two small parties of Redwing, brilliant watching the close to ground contour control. Will probably see a lot of that this week!
Meadow Pipit: 32 (best (7,6,5) all SE
Chaffinch: 93 (best 9,8) mainly W some E
Goldfinch: 44 (best 7,6,5) mainly W
Greenfinch: 6 all W
Siskin: 2
Redpoll: 1
Linnet 50 SE (one party)
Alba Wagtail: 1
Starling: 2W
Stock Dove 2 SW
Common Gull: 2E
Redwing: 8 NW (3,5)
Common Snipe: 3 (one party)
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sun 2nd October 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: ESE 10-12mph then swung to SW15mph by 0930hrs.
Movement: South unless stated.
Rained throughout, moderating continually between heavy speckly to heavy rain. Spoilt count although still lots of birds moved through considering and still going through in slow trickles on leaving.
Meadow Pipit: 117 (W/SW when Wind at ESE, then strictly S with SW)
Chaffinch: 128
Goldfinch: 68 (best parties: 20,15,8,7,7)
Linnet: 23
Greenfinch 24 (2W)
Siskin: 4
Raven: 3
Starling: (approx 50 varying E or W)
Alba Wagtail: 3
Kestrel: 2
Swallow: 2
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - Sat 1st October 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs - 1030hrs.
Wind: SE 10-12mph then swung to SSE and eventually round to SW
Movement: South unless stated.
Another little surge with Mipits in the first hour. Crossbill party to the SE.
Meadow Pipit: 541 (best parties: 19,18,15,11s, 10s, etc)
Chaffinch: 192 (best parties: 12s,7s,5s)
Linnet: 61 (best parties: first thing with 20,16,7) all S or SW
Alba Wagtail: 17
Starling: 8W
Reed Bunting: 1
Goldfinch: 18 (best parties 6,5)
Redpoll: 3 (1E)
Siskin: 27 SW (again at least 4 parties missed)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1
Greenfinch: 2
Crossbill: 5 (One party SE)
Blue Tit: 17 (mainly pairs)
Great Tit: 1
Blackbird: 1 SE
Woodpigeon: 2W
Mistle Thrush: 1W
Common Gull: 16W (one party).
1800hrs UPDATE: Mipits still going over Hutton Roof in small parties from 1400hrs right up to me leaving at 1730hrs, only trickles every 5-7minutes in singles, pairs or parties of 4s,6s,8s, but still going for it. So I wonder if this might mean it could be a good vis day tomorrow, we shall see!!
Nice to meet up with Fred and Carmen from Otley, please dont forget to check out the Gentians... also nice to meet up with Tim from Morecambe whilst on Lancelot this afternoon.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - 30th September 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1100hrs.
Wind: E 8-10mph
Movement: S unless stated
This mornings count was just steady plodding. Tits were definately on the increase. 1st (presumed) Continental Blackbird. First day of Starling squadrons coming over in groups, presumed to have left roost at Leighton Moss (early doors). Two Twite parties, and a Marsh Harrier had to be the bonus....
Chaffinch: 252 (15,10s,7s etc) in the main W, some SE
Meadow Pipits: 286 (Best parties: 11,10s,8s etc) all strict S
Goldfinch: 51 (best parties 8,8,8,7,6) all S or W
Siskin: 24 minimum (best party 5, missed at least 9 parties)
Greenfinch: 4 only E
Linnet: 45 (best parties: 14,11,5) all S or W
Redpoll: 6E (one party 5)
Twite: 5E (3,2)
Starling: 80E, 20W (East move probably ex roost)
Alba Wagtail: 29 (all singles or pairs S)
Reed Bunting: 2
Skylark: 14 (one 3 others pairs)
Blackbird: 1 (W, from behaviour presumed Continental!)
Mistle Thrush: 2
Woodpigeon: 6E
Raven: 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1SE
Green Woodpecker: 1SW
Blue Tit: 16 (in 2-4 parties)
Coal Tit: 10 (one party)
Great Tit: 6
Marsh Harrier: 1
Peregrine: 1
Buzzard: 3 (never sure, but seemed to be movers)
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Levens Park Black Fallow Deer Photo.....
A little belated, but yesterday had a lovely walk around Levens Park. Was lucky enough to get close enough to the Black Fallow
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - 29th September 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1000hrs.
Wind: For most of Count E/SW 8-10mph, then changed to W 5-8mph.
Movement: South unless stated.
Today was very similar to the past couple of days. 90% of totals recorded in the first hour, thereafter trickles. A little down on the Chaffinch. Lots of Siskin parties missed, could be heard but not seen. Woodpigeons more today in singles pairs or small parties. Greenfinch mainly to the East. Also today more Chaffinches East than West which is not the norm and would think that this is probably because they do like to fly into of side on with the wind. Starling now beginning to increase (definately Continental influx starting.. Odd Song Thrushes skirting across the road on way up to Hutton at first thing. No Mistles or calls from other Thrushes today.
Meadow Pipit: 323 (best parties: 14,14,10,10,11,10,10,8).
Chaffinch: 217 (best parties: 10,10,7,7 and 5s)
Linnet: 34 (mainly South - early door parties of 12,7,5)
Greenfinch: 19 all East
Redpoll: 7 all West
Goldfinch: 29 (best parties: 8,15)
Siskin: 25 minimum (lots of parties missed)
Bullfinch: 1
Reed Bunting: 1
Starling: 22 E
Alba Wagtail: 16
Grey Wagtail: 1.
Swallow: 6
Woodpigeon: 19 E (in singles, pairs and one party of 9)
Blue Tit: 8 (in pairs or 3s)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1SE
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - 28th September 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0930hrs.
Wind: Westerley 8mph, dry and sunny with blue skies.
Movement: S unless stated.
Today was OK with lots of movement, eg: Greenfinches starting up, Lots of Siskin and also seven parties missed. Another Redwing call, and a Chiffchaff singing away in the bush at my side about 4 metres away from me. 95% off all the below count was coming through in the first hour and by 0800hrs things started to go quiet, just trickles over the next hour and a half.
Meadow Pipit: 296 (best parties: 30, 17, 10s)
Chaffinch: 281 (best parties: 11s,10s) 41E all others W.
Siskin: 72 minimum, lots missed eg at least 7 parties. (Mainly S but some W)
Greenfinch: 23 E or W
Goldfinch: 37 some S,E,W.
Redpoll: 12 SW
Linnet: 3
Reed Bunting: 4
Alba Wagtail: 7
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1W
Skylark: 12 (8,4,4)
Redwing: 1 at least possibly more - heard only.
Blue Tit: 5
also Chiffchaff: 1
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - 27th September 2011
Visible Bird Migration - Tuesday September 27th 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0800hrs
Wind: SW 12-15mph.
Movement: South unless stated.
Chaffinches on the increase.
Meadow Pipits: 138 (best parties: 20,10,10,10)
Chaffinch: 158 (best parties: plenty of 6s) 90% W 10% E
Goldfinch: 19 (one party 15)
Linnet: 2
Siskin: 5
Golden Plover: 1W
Woodpigeon: 1E
Alba Wagtail: 6
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1
Starling: 3E
Swallow: 1E
Monday, 26 September 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - 26th September 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1100hrs.
Wind: W5mph increasing to WNW 15mph.
Movement: South unless stated.
Today without doubt from about 0730hrs to 0800hrs was the best Mipit push so far for Hutton Roof, with many parties of 10s, 13s,12s etc. and coming through regular during this short period. It then seemed to die off quickly, and just trickles after. I also later realised that many birds where being missed, because although I could hear them (just about) I could not see them at first, but did eventually catch glimpses of odd ones at very high altitude. Also had a Redwing call but did not see the bird.
Meadow Pipit: 495 (90% of count during 0730hrs to 0800hrs) best parties: 13,12,11,10s etc.
Chaffinch: 122 (will have been lots more than this but missed) 90% W the others E as is usual.
Goldfinch: 26
Siskin: 5
Linnet: 5 W
Greenfinch: 2E (usually East)
Starling: 24E
Swallow: 11 (E and W)
House Martin: 1
Woodpigeon: 2 W
Alba Wagtail: 9
Skylark: 9 SW
Raven: 2S
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1W
Mistle Thrush: 4W
Reed Bunting: 1W
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - 25th September 2011
Visible Bird Migration - Sunday September 25th 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1130hrs.
Wind: SSW 8-12mph then S, Dry 50% Cloud 50% Clear.
Movement: South unless stated.
A far better day, not breaking any pots, but a "steady" plodding sort of morning, with a nice mixture.
Several medium to large Mipit parties, took to be earlier blogging parties from afar North. Skylarks showing well. Goldfinches seemed to be everywhere. Greenfinches all individuals going East.
Meadow Pipit: 610 (all S or SW or SE)
Chaffinch: 292 (90% W 10% E)
Greenfinch: 19 (18E and 1W)
Linnet: 20
Goldfinch: 96S some W & some E
Reed Bunting: 4SW
Alba Wagtail: 21 (one without tail)
Siskin: 20 minimum (lots of parties heard but not seen)
Redpoll: 2W
Starling: 5E
Swallow: 78 (mainly S some NW)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 3 (2W 1E)
Skylark: 34 (best party 8,5,5,4)
Common Snipe: 1W
Mistle Thrush: 2W
also Willow Warbler: 1
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - 24th September 2011
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0800hrs - 1000hrs
Wind: S then SSW 15mph. Drizzle at first to light rain.
Movement: S unless stated.
Yet another quiet day, blocked with gusty Southerly winds and rain throughout.
Meadow Pipit: 59
Chaffinch: 75 (90%W and 10%E)
Goldfinch: 4 (2E)
Linnet: 3
Reed Bunting: 3
Redpoll: 2E
Bullfinch: 2W
Siskin: 2W
Greenfinch: 1E
Swallow: 10W
Mistle Thrush: 8 (3,3,2)
Alba Wagtail: 2
Starling: 5 (2E, 3W).
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1W.
also a small party of geese S-N see at far distance in the Bay.
Friday, 23 September 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof and Shore Road Carnforth (23rd Sept 2011)
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0945hrs.
Wind: W 20mph
Movement: South unless stated.
The Mipits never came on Hutton Roof, The wind instead of being SW as forecasted it turned out to be West and at strength. This seemed again to block any potential push today. Nice to see Geoff E....
Meadow Pipit: 161
Chaffinch: 139 (mainly W)
Goldfinch: 24 (one party 25)
Redpoll: 11
Linnet: 8
Alba Wagtail: 17
Woodpigeon: 1
Mistle Thrush: 3W
Swallow: 2
also: Chiffchaff.
Shore Road, Carnforth, Lancs.
1000hrs - 1130hrs
Wind: SW 15-20mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Meadow Pipit: 134
Chaffinch: 26
Linnet: 30
Swallow: 43
House Martin: 21
Skylark: 27
Goldfinch: 14
Starling: 2E
Alba Wagtail: 7
Pink Footed Goose: 24 (one skein)
Lapwing: 13.
Curlew: 10W (one party 9)
Black Tailed Godwit (1W)
Also: Wheatear (1 grounded), probable - Golden Plover 1W, 1 Kestrel (probably local)
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Visible Bird Migration at Hutton Roof - 22nd September 2011
Visible Bird Migration - Thursday September 22nd 2011 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: Still pretty strong on Westerley 15-20mph
Weather: Dry, 50% Cloud to South 50% Blue Sky above and to North.
Movement: Strict South with Mipits, Mainly West with Finches. all others South unless stated.
Today was without doubt the first day of showing Mipit built up with parties going through (in the first hour) in regular sizes of 8s and 10s, the best being 21 and two parties at 12. Expected more albas today, which usually coincide with the Mipits on build up. The weather, wind etc still looks OK for a good mipit push tomorrow! The finches maybe a little later.
Meadow Pipit: 361 (best party 21, 12,12,10,10,11,10,10)
Chaffinch: 136 (90% to the West, 10% to the East)
Greenfinch: 2W
Goldfinch: 60 (Best parties 12,10,8 mainly W odd couple E)
Linnet: 22 (one party 10 all W)
Redpoll: 1
Siskin: 4
Skylark: 2
Alba Wagtail: 3
Pink Footed Goose: 12SE
Goosander: 3W
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1W (also forgot, but one yesterday W as well)
Swallow: 10 (1E, 9S)