Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Up to 14th December 2010 - Slape Ln, Burton Fell, Lancelot Clark Storth.
Thankfully the Treecreeper population seems to be holding on, with at least five birds trilling and holding territory around the Lancelot/Pickles Wood areas (accessed from Slape Lane). Also the Nuthatch is common in these parts with many calling with their vibratory clacking calls with at least ten different birds calling from various parts. Grouped Tit parties are regular seen comprising in the main of Coal Tit, Great Tit and Blue Tit. Several Bullfinch have been seen mainly males on sentinel watch easily seen on the very tops of the large interspersed conifers. Brambling have been heard within the many Chaffinch parties which seem to be present in the "Slape Lane" areas. Also a party of several Long Tailed Tit seen on entering Burton Fell (this could well be the same party which are regularly seen (almost daily) on Slape Lane. 3 to 4 Jays seen at regular times again on Slape Lane or Pickles Wood or Lancelot. Also recorded were: Wren, Robin, Dunnock, Woodpigeons, Ravens (2), Carrion Crows, Jackdaws.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Hutton Roof to Park Wood and return from Clawthorpe side.

Had a party of 14 Fieldfare crossing over Hutton Roof, at low height heading SW. Several pairs of Chaffinch. Three Raven fighting one another mid-air. Blackbirds and other corvids and Common Gulls returning to roost. (Click over Max to enlarge) -
Monday, 22 November 2010
Walk Plain Quarry Dalton to Hutton Roof Trig - Mon Nov 22nd 2010
A party of approx 30 to 40 grouped Meadow Pipits were very active just about 200 yards SE of the Trig. Also a party of maybe 50-80 squabbling Starlings where feeding up just below Dalton Crags in a sheep occupied field close to the nearby road, and a couple of Siskin moved overhead in a NW direction calling constantly with their poor "peu" ventril call. Also some Chaffinch at varied times moving over the Roof, not sure whether they had reached their migratory destination or where still heading South. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen, and the "echoing" "conk" call of the mighty Raven crossing over these Crags.
I am still finding odd samples (but mainly spent) of varied fungi and lichens which still makes everything interesting.
This time last year the Great Grey Shrike had appeared on Hutton Roof, but today, I spent lots of time searching its usual territory without any sightings. And neither where there any Hawfinches at the Plain Quarry Car Park.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Sun Nov 15th 2010 - Burton Fell, Hutton Roof
Had a walk up to Burton Fell, looking out for fungi. Went up by Slape Lane, yet it is still a quagmire, caused through the recent heavy rains taking off the surface soils on the recently harvested perimeter "maize fields"..
After checking out identifications and receiving lots of help with this from Mike Valentine, I now feel convinced that the above fungi are: Top Photo: Cap of Crepidotus epibryus - a small Oysterling fungi which grows on dead stems of herbaceous plants. 2nd photo is the same but the gill underside. The 3rd photo is: White Brain (Exidia thuretiana), the 4th photo is probably: Purple Jellydisc (Ascocoryne sarcoides), the 5th & 6th and the 7th & 8th are: Jelly Ear (Auricularia auricula-judae) the first two found whilst going up Slape Lane and these specimens are so mature, whilst the 7th and 8th were found further up on Burton Fell and are younger fruitbodies.
On my return walking back down Slape Lane from Burton Fell, at about 1525hrs, I couldnt help but notice continual large concentrations of finches (mainly Chaffinch, but some Greenfinch) coming overhead which gave the immpression they were heading to roost in perhaps nearby Pickles Wood (just before Lancelot Clark Storth (Hutton Roof). There was 562 birds in about 10 minutes of watching. Whether this movement had been going on previous to me arriving at this point I dont know, but it certainly was very immpressive what I did see.
Its probable that these birds are the result of large feeding parties currently enjoying the spills of the recently harvested nearby maize.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Vismig - Sat Nov 13th 2010
Wind: SW 5-8mph
Chaffinch: 108 (39NE all others SW)
Greenfinch: 12SW (best 9)
Woodpigeon: 5SW
Fieldfare: 35N (13,22)
Redwing: 3SW
Starling: 10W (best 6)
Siskin: 2SW
Greylag Goose: 2SW (0854hrs)
Twite: 1SW
Meadow Pipit: 1SW
Goldfinch: 1SW.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Vismig - Wed Nov 10th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: NW 3mph, very cold. In the Main blue skies to 85% with 15% Cloud
Its been really quiet here this morning, although there was a large fall of Blackbirds during the night because I had score parties on just this side of Hutton Roof which must have counted 60 plus (at least).
Redwing: 44 (mainly SW but some N & E: best 8,8,8)
Fieldfare: 61 (mainly SW best: 15,8,30)
Chaffinch: 159 (47NE all others SW)
Reed Bunting: 1
Siskin: 4 NE
Greenfinch: 22 (best 10E) all others West.
Woodpigeon: 49SW (best 26,16),
Blackbird: 18 (best 10SW,5SW,3) Lots on Hutton Roof 60 plus)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1W
Goldfinch: 6NE
Brambling: 2SW
Monday, 8 November 2010
Fungi found recently on Hutton Roof - Early November 2010
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Sun Nov 7th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
(Please click over notes above to enlarge and then click again to supersize if you prefer)
Sun Nov 7th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: Easterly 5-8mph
Reed Bunting: 2SW
Chaffinch: 204 (95North East, the rest South West) (best: 10,5)
Fieldfare: 405: devided between going SW and NE. (Again no movement with Thrushes today, probably just local ex roost moves.)
Redwing: 14 (one party 12 NE)
Siskin: 9 SW (singles or pairs)
Alba Wagtail: 1SW
Brambling 4SW (2,2)
Woodpigeon: 120 mainly SW (best 40,20)
Redpoll 2SW
Greenfinch: 18 (5SW all others NE)
Goldfinch: 2NE
Skylark: 1N
Meadow Pipit: 6 (2NE all others SW)
Bullfinch: 4NE
Starling: 60W at 0930hrs. also about (5,000 ex roost to NE)
Also had two Woodcock on way up, one caught in side of road just past Rowley Copse and then another flew past me only yards further on. The must have come in on last nights full moon.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Vismig - Sat Nov 6th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria. WHOOPERS & BULLFINCH
0700hrs - 1100hrs
Wind: Light Westerley 5mph.
Nice Bullfinch party (which such similarities to Siskin flight calls!!), Some other passerines with unusual calls - need to listen to my cd's. Waxwings Moving with Starling ex roost party, I clearly heard their drawn out "trilling" has they went past. And Whoopers! Missed lots of finches including: Brambling, Siskin and Redpoll together with Greenfinch and Chaffinch which I could hear clearly were in parties, but too high to find.
Fieldfare: 411 mainly SW, but some SE (10 proper parties, best: 120,60,40,40,30)
Redwing: 15 (10SW,1SW,2E,2E)
Chaffinch: 198 (39NE all others SW)
Greenfinch: 30 (3NE all others SW)
Redpoll: 9SW (3,2,2,2)
Goldfinch: 4SW (2,2)
Meadow Pipit: 8 Mainly SE (1NE all others SE)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 2 (1NE, 1SW)
Blackbird: 4 SE
Woodpigeon: 32 (9SE, 8SW,10W,5)
Siskin: 7 (1,2,2,2)
Starlings: 94W (starting coming through at 1000hrs 60W,14W,20W) also had well over 20,000 came over ex roost this morning split into large parties East over a period of one hour. Also with one close party had trilling birds which could well have been Waxwing.
Bullfinch: 6 NE (a good record for here).
Mistle Thrush: 1W
Brambling: 4 W (2,2)
Whooper Swan: 6 SW (One party 0905hrs)
Jackdaw: 13 (9SW,4E) looked like movers, but difficult, we have hundreds of Jacks here all the time.
Reed Bunting: 1SW
Friday, 5 November 2010
Vismig - Fri Nov 5th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
(No Count yesterday Thurs Nov 4th 2010 on account of strong wind, heavy rain.)
Friday November 5th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0645hrs - 0830hrs
Wind: SW15-20mph
Fieldfare: 230SW (3 parties: 80,50,100) could well have been more, but again constantly getting blown back and giving up in the end to come down and feed up.
Redwing: 20SW (in 5s,4s,3s,2s,1s)
Chaffinch: 88 (86SW 2NE) best:5's 6's)
Raven: 2S
Siskin: 2SW
Greenfinch: 2SW
Goldfinch: 2SW
Meadow Pipit: 1S
Went up Dalton Crags to the Trig Point from about 1100hrs from the Dalton Road. Took the above "Autumn Leaves" photo on way up. Had some Redpoll, Goldfinch, Buzzard, a party of 13 Fieldfare, some Redwing, 3 Mistle Thrush, a Great Spotted Woodpecker. Also lots of the fungi: Xylaria hypoxylon (Candlesnuff).
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Vismig - Wednesday November 3rd 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0645hrs - 0900hrs
Wind: SW 20mph
Wind far too strong and blowing thrushes down, and they were then using the low cuttings and going around Hutton Roof to all its valley cuttings.
After Mondays effort, very little on Greenfinch today. Realizing why we are not getting much stuff going East and I think it is simply because the winds are so strong coming from the W that birds will be flying high and simply missing them. (just like the Starlings coming from ex roost to the E)
Fieldfare: 487W (14 parties: most parties averaging 30 or 40s).
Redwing: 21W or SW (3s,4s or 5s)
Siskin: 2SW
LBBG: 130 SE (one party 100 and one 30 - probably ex roost from W)
Woodpigeon: 2W
Greenfinch: 7W (3,2,2)
Chaffinch: 123 (1E)
Vismig - Tuesday November 2nd 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria
Wind: W 25-35mph
Fine for 30mins and then heavy rain.
Chaffinch still coming through strong even against the wind. Even the Crow/Jackdaw ex roost where flattened and literally using all gullies and troughs and probably only inches from the ground as they went W into the wind. Had to retire early because of not only strong winds but also heavy rains.
Blackbird: 2
Chaffinch: 32W (best 10)
Redwing: 3W
Fieldfare: 11SW (one party 10).
PS: My thanks to Chris Taylforth and Dave the Gardener for kindly monitoring any Fieldfare build up in the upper Lyth Valley.
Monday, 1 November 2010
Vismig - Mon Nov 1st 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0645hrs - 1100hrs
Wind: E 4-5mph increasing and changing to W
Greenfinch making strong inroads today.
Fieldfare: 213 (all directions W,SW,N,NE) best: 70,37,40 etc (parties seen to come in and drop down to Hutton to feed, no hurry!
Redwing: 41 (either SE or SW) best 20,11)
Woodpigeon: 116 (3 parties all S or SE coming down that Lune Valley and crossing over to Yorkshire on a SE, it does involve hundreds, probably thousands of birds, but today was again one of the "clag East side days" when I could only pick up the odd party. But there are always hundreds moving at first light on this SE routing. These birds would probably end up to the East Side of Ingleborough and be somewhere in West Yorkshire.
Chaffinch: 171 (74 NE all others SW best: 6s)
Greenfinch: 186 (73SW all others NE, best: 40,21,11,10,10)
Goldfinch: 20 NE (one party)
Redpoll: 2 (1SW, 1N)
Meadow Pipit: 17 all SE (1,2,8,1,5)
Linnet: 5 (2W,2SE,1W)
Siskin: 2 SW
Starling: 35 (2 high fast parties 15W, 20W) also thousands Ex Roost to SE
Brambling: 2SW
Skylark: 11 (10N one party and 1E)
Reed Bunting: 1E
Raven: 8 all S/SSE (5,2,1)
BHG: 4 one party W
PFG: One party of approx 20 moving across the bay to a NW or N
Long Tailed Tit: 12NE high and away.
Chris over at The Crag, Nr Crook informs me that yesterday all the current Fieldfare and other Thrushes had moved on from "The Crag" and after a drive and walk in the upper Lyth Valley it looked as though it was currently devoid of migrants.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Vismig - Sun Oct 31st 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria & A "special" fungi photo
Here is a special fungi photo (as yet unidentified), I saw this yesterday whilst having a walk up to Lancelot Clark Storth where I obtained some fungi photos, this one struct me in particular because besides identifying the species, I was wondering who the lady. (Please click once to enlarge and then click again to supersize to see the face more clearly!!)
Sunday October 31st 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: back off to E2mph. Heavy rain spotting at first.
Fieldfare: 266 (all directions eg: SE,NE,SW,E & W) best: 100,40,40,34)
Redwing: 29 all SW (best 14)
Chaffinch: 163 (64E all others W)
Brambling: 21 all SE (best party 15) but missed lots of parties going overhead very high, audible only.
Yellowhammer: 3 (2,1) SW
Greenfinch: 24 SW/W (best 6,8)
Stock Dove: 1SW
Meadow Pipit: 8SW (singles or pairs)
Woodpigeon: 14 SW (6,4,4,)
Siskin: 6 (2,2,2)
Pink Footed Goose: 200 to 300 crossing over Bay S to NNE in 3 close together skeins at 0805hrs
Goldfinch: 3NE
Alba Wagtail: 1SW
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Vismig - Sat Oct 30th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Saturday October 30th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs - 1030hrs
Wind: S/SSW 15mph and decreasing.
Fieldfare: 803 all SW or W (18 proper parties, best: 160,100,80,60,50,50.)
Redwing: 93 all SW (best: 20,12,7,6)
Chaffinch: 160 (9E all others West) - noticeable change in the past two days where the greater has swung with birds to W/SW (rather than E)
Yellowhammer: 1SW
Brambling: 3SW (2,1)
Redpoll: 2SW
Linnet: 2SW
Siskin: 5SW (2,2,1)
Greenfinch: 9 (2,2,1,1,2,1)
Goldfinch: 3SW
Meadow Pipit: 7 (2,2,2,1)
Woodpigeon: 54 - (just the one party SW)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1SW
Skylark: 2W
Starlings, thousands ex roost and probably others.
Friday, 29 October 2010
Vismig - Fri Oct 29th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: South 25-35mph
Extreme wind and freshening, the majority of the birds (thrushes) did manage to cut to the West, odd parties where coming down to rest and then setting off again with difficulty and at times looking like "confetti" by being blown to all directions. The nearby shooting party never help either by only adding to what looked like "great confusion".
Fieldfare: 552W (19 parties - best: 40,60,60,150,100,30)
Redwing: 79SW (9 parties - best 30,20)
Greenfinch: 10W (all pairs or singles)
Chaffinch: 72 SW (all South West - best 9,6,5)
Blackbird: 1 SW
Sparrowhawk: 1
Starling: thousands ex roost and tumbling at high speed to the East.
Skylark: 1SW
Siskin: 1SW
Goldfinch: 2
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Vismig Thr Oct 28th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0730hrs - 0945hrs.
Wind: SW 10-12mph
Redwing: 131 all South West (lots of small parties but best: 30,17,14,20)
Fieldfare: 539 some South West but mainly North West. (best: 70,60,18,40,50,80)
Woodpigeon: 570 all South (On most clear mornings you can see this movement coming far away as though above the Sedbergh/Middleton Fell/Barbon Low Fell and onward S - the high ground to the East of the Lune Valley, but far back) Sadly the weather usually to my East is generally poor and so these can only be seen on certain days.
Chaffinch: 85 (40 West 45 East)
Greenfinch: 5 (4W)
Meadow Pipit: 1
Siskin: 2SE
Goldfinch: 3 SW
Yellowhammer: 1W
Redpoll: 2W
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Vismig - Wed Oct 27th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria & also Crag Nr. Crook.
Wind: SW 15-25mph
Wind too strong today for good passage, it flattened most stuff, although there was a regular but small passage all flattened to within 20 metre and using cuttings etc. Since yesterday it has become quite noticeable that we are getting another surge of Redwing coming through again in small parties (max 30 at present) but without doubt it is happening, so whether these are Icelantic making a show or just late (scandics/baltics) I dont know.
Redwing: 246 (all South West to West) (best: 30,20,20,20,20,15,14, lots of 5-10 parties)
Fieldfare: 748 (all struggling but trying to go NW but getting blown all over the place (20 parties: best: 80,50,50,50,40,100,50)
Chaffinch: 78 (42W others East)
Mistle Thrush: 1
Greenfinch: 3W
Starling: several small parties W
Goldfinch: 3W
Meadow Pipit: 4SE
Siskin: 2W
Blackbird: 1SW
at 1000hrs: I left and headed up to Crook to check out the Fieldfare hold up, because Dave had told me this morning, there was still plenty there (thousands) again yesterday. The area called:Low Crag and High Crag, a small valley area with Chapel Beck running through it at its base. The nearest village is Crook ( which is approx 7 miles from Bowness On Windermere). Sadly I had obviously just missed them, although there where still a few hundred mixed thrushes present on my arrival, but they were restless and fidgeting before very soon taking off and heading further North or North West. However it did give me chance to check out the place. There is plenty of berry food in the area (mainly hawthorn and a few yews), but not massive quantities, like you get on say Hutton Roof. Although its was quite obvious that lots of berry stripping had took place in recent days, it was only on the outer part of the branches, there where still plenty of berries available. I automatically expected the area to be totally devoid of berries after such a high density of birds!
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Vismig - Tue Oct 26th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria & Hold Up of Fieldfare in Crook/Underbarrow
0730hrs - 0815hours
Wind: SW15-20mph.
Raining, heavy and light and cold.
Redwing: 65 all W (best 30W,2,2,,20SW,11SE)
Fieldfare: 33 (3S,2S,2E,11S,15SE)
Chaffinch: 33 (20W 13E (best 5s & 4s)
Mistle Thrush: 1
Starlings: Thousands ex roost.
Some fantastic information just come in. Whilst on Hutton this morning I met up with Dave the gardener who himself is keen on birds and travels the area each day to his work. He usually reports to me every morning if he has seen anything interesting the day before, a guy who knows his birds and been very interested in migration.
He was telling me that yesterday whilst working at the place called Crook/Underbarrow (Head of the Lyth Valley), he noticed from his clients dwelling that the fields nearby where literally covered with thousands (possibly up to ten or more) of Fieldfare in all the fields and trees supporting the nearby valley, everything was covered with birds and little room between them.
So this is probably confirming a little bit more of a "ancient routing" I have always suspected. Years ago when I used to watch from "Sandside" (Milnthorpe), I used to see Fieldfare going over Storth and eventually what looked like making their way up the "Lyth Valley". And this new information now seems to support that this may well be the case....
Probably even more interesting is that on Sunday last, I was under the immpression we did have the annual semi or full on Fieldfare "thrush push" at least in this neck of the woods, but am now beginning to wonder, if it was only a secondary or semi (thrush push) and possibly we still have the main one to come!! or would that be wishful thinking!
Simply the fact, that these birds already mentioned would without doubt be the Sunday birds some of which I possibly did manage to see (in part), now being held up at the very top of the "Lyth Valley". I would certainly have expected that if it had been the main "thrush push" the birds would have carried on to their final destinations (suggested to me by others at various: From here to Stranraer, then crossing at the nearest part to Ireland, then eventually loop around into Southern Europe, before making there way back up into Northern Europe for the early Spring.... Is all this feasible!!
I think this mapping out of routes is probably one of the most difficult things to work on, because most obviously, every valley and high ridge seems to be used at various times, but does alter slightly according to the winds and conditions, but even so, there are valleys and valleys, some of which hold the most ancient of routes and if they could be linked, and a map of passage corridors worked out would be great.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Vismig - Mon Oct 25th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1215hrs.
Wind: SW 4 - 5mph
Best yet for Woodpigeon, which most of them went North West.
Redwing: 90 all W (best 50,30)
Fieldfare: 2040 75% went either NW or N and others came back East. (Best: 100,25,100,100,120)
Woodpigeon: 1407 (90% went NW and 10% came East) best: 140,100,90,80,80)
Chaffinch: 177 (37W all others East)
Brambling: 5 (1,2,2,)
Greenfinch: 39W (best 6,5,5,)
Siskin: 7 (2,2,2,1)
Linnet: 2S
Starling: Thousands ex roost and then 29 W (20,9)
Meadow Pipit: 6 SE
Pink Footed Goose: 70SW (1000hrs)
Skylark: 3W
Reed Bunting: 1NE
Redpoll: 2
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Vismig - Sun Oct 24th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria, Sandside Nr Milnthorpe & last Burton In Kendal (Cumbria)
(Click over sketch to enlarge)
Sunday October 24th 2010
Hutton Roof, Cumbria. 0730hrs-0940hrs
Wind: E - 5-8mph and then heading North.
Sandside, Nr. Milnthorpe 1000hrs-1130hrs
Burton In Kendal (from out of my Window) 1400-1808hrs.
Today started quiet, but soon became obvious around the 1000hrs that a "thrush push" was about to start, with plenty of Fieldfare parties, yet no Redwing parties. Today I had to be family chauffeur and entertain visitors, so sadly only caught a little of the "push" from distant veins instead of the "main artery". But grateful for what I did get and can't wait until tomorrow. They were still going past my window at 1808hrs this evening.
Hutton Roof, 0730hrs-0940hrs
Fieldfare: 1955 (All N or NW 25 parties - best: 200,200,400,150,100,100)
Redwing: 82 (4 parties - best 30)
Meadow Pipit: 1
Mistle Thrush: 1
Chaffinch: 72 (11W all others E)
Greenfinch: 23 (all W, best party 5,6)
Linnet: 2
Woodpigeon: 12W
Redpoll: 2
Siskin: 1E
Goldfinch: 14 (East, one party 10)
Brambling: 2W
Sandside, Nr. Milnthorpe 1000hrs-1130hrs (Was in Storth taking grandchild to his football, so decided to check out a "ancient thrush route" I used to watch about 20 plus years ago, and it did not let me down!!
Fieldfare: 3278 (All NW 34 Parties, best: 160,400,220,100,120,140,140,140,100,100,150,300,130.)
Starling:145 (All NW 6 parties, best: 40,30,30)
Long Tailed Tit: 15 NW One party)
Finch species: All NW(Chaffs or Greenies, scores!)
Woodpigeon: 88 NW (4 parties, best 30)
Goldfinch: 35 (All NW one party 25,10).
Burton In Kendal, Cumbria. (from my armchair, just looking out of the front window) 1400hrs-1808hrs. We had company, so I had to try and take interest in them whilst at the same time sneaking a look out the front!! and it was worth it!)
Fieldfare: 1360 (All NW 18 parties, best: 130,100,180,300,100 and lots of 50s..)
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Vismig - Sat Oct 23rd 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: W8-10mph and freshening to Northerlies. 0915 mist and light drizzle came in from East and encircled us all around to West side as well, but cleared within 15 minutes. Again hard work, birds undecided and messing, coming down feeding etc etc. Cant understand early doors, birds were cutting to NW without any problem, so no problem with winds, but yet they wer'nt keen on going, I think it may have something to do with wind changing round to the North.
Fieldfare: 1088 (all eventually NW - best: 300,110,200,100)
Redwing: 45 all NW
Chaffinch: 107 (32W all others East)
Siskin: 14 East (one party 12)
Woodpigeon: 577SE (best: 80,120,50,50,50,50)
Alba Wagtail: 2 SW
Goldfinch: 3E
Starlings: 3000 plus ex roost plus other score parties later
Redpoll: 2E
Greenfinch: 3W
Meadow Pipit 1SE.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Vismig - Fri Oct 22nd 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Friday October 22nd 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: W 10-15mph and freshening from SW
General Thrush move NW but also some going in all directions, very patchy today. Thrushes again found it extremely difficult to use their general routes because of the strong W/SW winds and where seen at times to be "flattened" or hugging the ground, and coming in through small gaps etc. Chaffinches now thinning and Greenfinches starting to pick up.
Redwing: 65 (best 20,16,7 W and some SE)
Fieldfare: 1383 (all NW, best parties: 300,140,150,120, 90,60,60, still going through on leaving but patchy and hard to find)
Blackbird: 3W
Chaffinch: 97 (41W all others East best: 5s and 4s)
Greenfinch: 22 (all W, best: 6,6,4)
Woodpigeon: 3S
Siskin: 3S
Meadow Pipit: 2SE (Up here they've become so scarce their now like goldust but better!!)
Long Tailed Tit: 13 party and probably locals.
Starling: Missed the main ex roost flock probably gone high but did have several small parties (eg: 50s or 20s)
Linnet: 1
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Vismig Thr Oct 21st 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0715hrs - 1130hrs
Wind: SW 8-10mph, freshening all the time to SW 15-20mph
Thrushes very patchy, started off OK and would have been good but for the strong winds. Most coming through the gap which seems to come from around "Newbiggin Crags" (ex Lune Valley) and then across Farleton/Holme Park, to NW. Also a party of 200 seen to be "blocked" at what looked like Dalton/Priest Hutton area, and making perhaps 30 or 40 attempts to carry on NW but being blown back every time and eventually they would go back on themselves to a North in a loop over Hutton Roof and down to Newbiggin before then coming up again and getting through over Farleton/Holme Park Crags to the NW. I saw this happen several times with different parties. Best party 600 Fieldfare.
Redwing:209 (mainly W to SW) (best parties: 40,25,25,25,20)
Fieldfare: 3124 (38 proper parties, best: 600, 200, 200,200,170, 100,120,100)
Chaffinch: 141 (81W others E)
Goldfinch: 19 (all W best party 9)
Siskin: 5 (4E and 1SW)
Woodpigeon: 335 (Mainly W some E) best party: 80,70,50,30)
Greenfinch: 42 (all W, best 11,6,4,4)
Skylark: 2W
Meadow Pipit: 1
Cormorant: 1W
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Vismig - Wed Oct 20th 2010 - Hutton Roof Cumbria.
0715hrs - 1300hrs
Wind: NW 5-8mph and freshening by noon.
All major Thrush movement was NW and finished by 1220hrs. Did also check out afternoon 1400-1630hrs with no movement whatsoever. Also Woodpigeons again on the move in directions E, W and NW
Fieldfare: 3320 (41 parties, best: 340, 200,200,140,120,160,160, 6@100)
Redwing: 313 (only major parties: 30,40,30,40,40,40,50 all W or SW)
Chaffinch: 121 (17W all others E)
Linnet: 3S
Starling: probably 3000+ ex roost followed by other score parties all East
Woodpigeon: 498 (best 30,40,40,60,50,60)
Goldfinch: 29 W (one party 15)
Meadow Pipit: 4
Pink Footed Goose: 2N at 0922hrs
Greenfinch: 2SW
Alba Wagtail: 2
Skylark 1 SW
Twite: 1SW
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Vismig - Tues October 19th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0715hrs - 1015hrs.
Wind: W 5mph
Very quiet this morning! just odd small parties of Redwings and a couple of medium sized flocks.
Redwing: 170 (5N all others SW, best parties: 30,30,13,9)
Fieldfare: 52 (One party 40 North, others SW)
Chaffinch: 158 (62W all others East - best: 7,5,5)
Alba Wagtail: 2W
Siskin: 5SW (2,1,1,1)
Starling: Perhaps 5000 ex roost and then parties of 20s or 30s.
Greenfinch: 10 W (7,1,2)
Meadow Pipit: 4 (1,2,1 all SW)
Woodpigeon: 79 (80,30,19 all West)
Redpoll: 2
Goldfinch: 3NW,
Mistle Thrush: 1NE.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Vismig - Mon Oct 18th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1030hrs.
Wind: 15mph and freshening.
All Thrushes - generally SW-W
Finches - East and West.
Noticing that Mipits are down to a trickle, and Chaffinch seem to have tumbled in numbers today, Greenfinch definately starting up today. Busy all the time with Redwings up to 1000hrs but in very small parties averaging 5-10 birds but lots of them and regular. Just a few better parties (listed). Also they were finding it hard in the wind and having to use low cuttings etc to get through.
Redwing: 506 all W to SW). (best: 50,30,30,30)
Fieldfare: 127 (best: 50,30,20,10) perhaps a little more W than Reds.
Chaffinch: 91 (best 5s,4s)
Meadow Pipit: 3
Greenfinch: 12SW (4,2,3,3)
Starling: over 3000 over Hutton Roof ex roost.
Reed Bunting: 1S
Goldfinch: 2W
Woodpigeon: 2W.
Vismig - Sun Oct 17th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: NW 2mph
Redwing: 174 (directions undecided at first, then settled to East, best 10,10,20,30,20,40)
Fieldfare: 218 (East first then all NNW after that. Best 80,50,50,14,10)
Chaffinch: 136 (43W all others East)
LBBG: 330E (160,60,20,10,80) the numbers seem to be on the increase, but sure they are local.
Starling: 3000+ now coming through Hutton Roof first shout, after leaving roost at Leighton plus others
Woodpigeon: 298 (All East: best: 40,40,80,40,50,20)
Greenfinch: 4E
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Alba Wagtail: 1E
Goldfinch: 5E
Meadow Pipit: 6
Brambling: 1W
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Vismig - Sat Oct 16th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0930hrs
Wind: NW 3-5mph
Gt Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Meadow Pipit: 16 (2SE all others N)
Redpoll: 1
Chaffinch: 117 (21W all others E)
Starling: probably 2000 ex roost.
LBBG: 210 E (possibly local)
Pink Footed Goose: 6 (2E at 0740 and 4SW at 0755).
Fieldfare: 201 (20W,1W,10N,60N,80N,30NW)
Redwing: 124 (mainly North but a few E,SW and SE) best: 30,15,12,20.
Goldfinch: 8 (all west 2,2,1,3)
Alba Wagtail: 1
Greenfinch: 7E
Woodpigeon: 113 all E (6,22,60,20,5)
Long Tailed Tit: 7 (local)
Cormorant: 2W
Siskin 2
Sat Oct 16th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: now swung to N/NE and freshened to 5-8mph.
Fieldfare: 710 N (14,6,300,40,250,40,60,7,6)
Redwing: 80N (20,35,25)
Redpoll: 2
Goldfinch: 3
Chaffinch: 4
Meadow Pipit: 6
Woodpigeon: 10
Greenfinch: 1
Mistle Thrush: 3
Friday, 15 October 2010
Vismig - Fri Oct 15th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: NW 3-5mph
Redwing: 239 all South West (most where small parties of around 10 (best: 20,20,20,15,11,11)
Fieldfare: 15 (one party 14) South West
Chaffinch: 165 (81W all others East)
Meadow Pipit: 7 all South
LBBG: 110 E
Blackbird: 1W
Woodpigeon: 1E
Starling: 2000 plus ex roost followed by another 71 in dribs and drabs.
Siskin: 8 SW (7,1)
Redpoll: 1E
Brambling: 2W
Pink Footed Goose: I saw two skeins going over Bay which looked like W to SE I would have guessed the first at 100 and the second at 150.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Vismig - Thr Oct 14th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria
Wind: NE 3 m.p.h.
Thick cover cloud, lightest of specky drizzle in the air.
Redwings yet again disorientated and going in various directions. Very poor throughout.
Redwings: 185 (best: 20SE,50SW,40NW)
Song Thrush: 1W
Siskin: 4E
Chaffinch: 146 (43W all others E)
Common Gull: 4E
Starling: 752 (best parties: 300,100,100, all probably ex roost)
Fieldfare: 16 (8N,7N,1E)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Goldfinch: 1E
Greenfinch: 3 (2E,1W)
Meadow Pipit: 3SE.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Vismig - Wed Oct 13th 2010 - Hutton Roof Cumbria - 2 Visits..
Wednesday October 13th 2010 Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1030hrs & then again later 1423hrs to 1600hrs.
Wind E 3-5mph
Redwing: 232 (again very disoriantated and going in several directions - mainly SW
Chaffinch: 190 (57W all others East)
Blackbird: 1SW
Goldfinch: 33 (all East one party 20)
GS Woodpecker: 1E
Raven: 2SW
Mistle Thrush: 4 (N)
Redpoll: 4S
Fieldfare: 21 (One party 20 W)
Meadow Pipit: 17
Siskin: 7S
Alba Wagtail 3
Linnet: 3E
Golden Plover: 1N
Common Snipe: 1SW
Woodpigeon: 2W
Skylark: 2W
LTT one party of 12 (local)
Brambling: 2S
Greenfinch: 10E one party
Starling: 332E after 0930hrs and (1330 ex roost at 0730hrs)
1423hours - 1600hours.
A good passage of Redwing all low altitude 75-150ft, Mainly SW (unmarked) but some parties NW (as shown)
Suddenly at approx 1530hours it just stopped, I think it was because the wind had changed variable and everything went still, no mipits or chaffinch also, everything went still and silent, however up until then:-
Redwing: 1272 in 97 minutes.(40,30,60,80,20,50,4,130,30NW,60,60,50,130,60NW,30,30,10,45,15,6,30,20,10,20,12,20,30NW,20NW,30NW,40NW,40NW)
Mipits: 11
Siskin: 3
Chaffinch: 2
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Vismig Tues Oct 12th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria & Strange Redwing Call.
Tuesday October 12th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: NE 5-8mph
Early strong frost, and then blue skies, with again haze to West.
Redwings again all over the place, not sure which direction to take, also seen to arrive and cascade onto Hutton Roof. In the main when they did decide they tended to go South East, with just a few to the South West. There had obviously been a fall of Dunnock during the night with lots calling from the bushes etc.
Redwing: 640 (24 larger parties and lots of small groups) all directions but the bulk to a South East
Chaffinch: 253 (30W all others E) best parties: 12,10,10,7,7.
Alba Wagtail: 9 (mainly singles)
Meadow Pipit: 78 all East to South East (best parties: 15,6)
Redpoll: 2S
Starling: 600 at least from roost 0730hrs and then steady small squadrons going East up to close.
Mistle Thrush: 22 all East (2,3,17)
Siskin: 4 (2,2)
Greenfinch: 3: (1SW and 2SE)
Goldfinch: 10 (best party 6)
Woodpigeon: 6 (5,1 all SW)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Yellowhammer: 1
Yesterday whilst crossing over Hutton Roof from the Trig Point and coming down to the corner before entering “Lancelot Storth” Where the boundary walls meet up with another wall (and close to where the Cuckoo) is regularly seen. Well if you follow the wall down from the corner (trig side) and then in a Dalton direction you came across what I think may have been a very large “flattened type” of Yew Tree and I looked across, with my attention being took upon this rather weak, quiet softish single call not unlike “kwa” and when I looked across to the Yew Tree and several nearby shrub type trees, there was lots of Redwings, tusselling to get in this tree, whilst at the same time there where others leaving the tree and going into nearby trees. All this tusselling and josselling was going on for at least 15/20 minutes with this regular intermittent “kwa” calls which was coming from the activity tree and also all over the nearby trees in a 50 yard radious which all seemed to have tucked away small “Redwing” parties, which also in turn were moving off and giving this unusual contact call. In total I counted over 370 birds coming out of this tree and nearby trees.
I cant remember ever having heard this soft “kwa” call before coming from Redwing, it certainly is not a contact call we would generally hear in flight but some sort of contact call to announce “lift off after roost”, It was as though, they had possibly spent the day or most of the day at this daytime roost site and it was now time to move on and so they made this special sort of “contact” call to one another to say it was time to “lift off” and move on. Just the odd bird made theirr usual “Tseerp call” whilst most offered the “kwa” call.
I would welcome any information from others if they have ever heard it or seen this sort of activity, especially at 1530hours (mid afternoon)…
Monday, 11 October 2010
Mon Oct 11th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria FIRST FIELDFARES
0700hrs - 1030hrs
Wind: E 3-5mph
Very bright on this side with little cloud.
Wishing last nights "push" would have continued, but not to be. Still good though.. First Fieldfares! Thrushes disorientated in the early hour and going in all directions, some even dropping down (cascading) onto the roof.. eventually after about one hour there did seem to start a path from South to NNW with some regularity, but this soon fizzled out and by 0930hrs Thrushes had virtually finished. Lots of Siskin passing through and Greenfinch now starting up.
Redwing: 1099 (38 main parties, best parties:60,50,40,60,40,40,50,40,40,40,80,60) all directions, but mainly NNW
Fieldfare: 30 (One party NNW)
Chaffinch: 280 (38W all others E)
Siskin: 13 (6 pairs) all SE
Meadow Pipit: 41 (5,4 all others pairs or singles)
Gt Spotted Woodpecker: 2E
Greenfinch: 17 (10E one party)
Redpoll: 2S
Starling: 900 ex roost at 0730, after 0930: 130 (30,20,60,20) - probably continental.
Golden Plover - several strong calls but did not see the birds.
Reed Bunting: 2S
Alba Wagtail: 7
Goldfinch: 7E (5,2)
Stock Dove: 1E
Skylark: 5S
Woodpigeon 8 (one party SE)
Blackbird: 1E
Wheatear: 1 flew within yards of me W
Yellowhammer: 2W
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Vismig - Sun Oct 10th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria LOTS OF REDWINGS...
0700hrs - 0830hrs also 0930-1030 and also 1800-1835hours
Wind: E15mph and becoming fresher.
Again strong winds spoiling, many birds including Redwings seen at times to be blown back. All Redwing movement to SW or SE
Meadow Pipits: 19
Redwing: 157 mainly SE but some SW(best parties: 9,13,10,30,15,10,9,20,16,10)
Blackbird: 16SW (one party)
Mistle Thrush: 11W
Linnet: 2S
Chaffinch:187 (6W all others E)
Brambling: 2SW (first of the year)
Alba Wagtail: 5
Starling: 220 (best parties: 20,30,50,30) all East and probably ex roost.
Goldfinch: 12 SE (6,6)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Siskin: 2S
Cormorant: 1E
Greenfinch: 7 (3,4 E)
Meadow Pipit: 39 (best party 6,4)
Chaffinch: 26 (1W all others E)
Coal Tit: 2
Redwing: 53 (best: 21,16,10) all East/South East
Skylark: 3 S
Mistle Thrush: 19W
Goldfinch: 2
Siskin: 6E
Starling: 2E
Alba Wagtail: 1 SE
Linnet: 1 S
Greenfinch: 1E
Song Thrush: 2E.
Decided to have a walk over Hutton Roof at 1800hrs and on reaching the higher levels noticed that Redwings were pouring over, just how long they had been going I dont know, they could have been going for most of the day for all I know, but in 35 minutes from 1800 to 1835hours I had the following, all going from SE to NW. Wind had calmed down to Easterly 5-8mph.
Redwing: 1472 (33 parties: best: 50,50,30,90,50,50,40,100,50,60,100,170,60,80,60,50,40,40,60, etc)Meadow Pipit: 6 East
Chaffinch: 12 (all East).
Cant wait for tomorrow, just hope its clear!
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Vismig - Sat Oct 9th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria
Sat Oct 9th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1000hrs
Wind: SE 20mph.
Movement: East and unless stated otherwise.
Today it was freshening wind straight from the word go and levelled out at 20mph which made it very cold. Most birds struggled, and there was very little going West because of any tailwinds. Goldfinch where definately going for it today here. I had four sample parties of Redwings, going in all Easterly directions. One party of 9 was heading North and then blown back to SW.
Chaffinch: 165 (only 7 West all others East/North East) (best parties: 6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5)
Meadow Pipit: 23 (all pairs, odd single) all South
Goldfinch: 42 all East/NE) (parties: 12,10,2,1,8,6,3)
Redwing: 30 (10N at 0750, 2 NE, 9 at 0845 heading NE then blown back to W, 9SE at 0950)
Woodpigeon: 5 (3SW, 2SE)
Mistle Thrush: 16 (3NW, 1SE,7SE,4SE,1SE)
Alba Wagtail: 5 SE
Heron: 1W (terrific altitude)
Starling: 148 (20,30,10,40,25) probably all ex roost, all heading East
Linnet: 3SE (2,1)
Reed Bunting: 1S
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 2E,
Greenfinch: 4 (one party SE)
Skylark: 3 SE
Jay: 1NW
Friday, 8 October 2010
Vismig - Fri Oct 8th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Fri Oct 8th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0830hrs & 0930hrs-1045hrs
Wind: SE 10-15mph and decreasing to SE 8-10 on second watch.
Movement: East unless stated otherwise.
All Meadow Pipits:SW
All Skylark: SE
Chaffinch: 90 (25W all others NE or E) (best 5,5,6,5,4)
Meadow Pipit: 62 (best 22,6,4,4,4,4)
Alba Wagtail: 7
Starling: 127 East (probably roost dispersal)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Redwing: 15 (one part of 5 W and 1 party of 10E)
Goldfinch: 2
Redpoll: 2
Chaffinch: 51 (7W all others NE or E) (best parties 5s and 4s)
Meadow Pipit: 49 (best 25,7)
Mistle Thrush: 16SE
Starling: 12 (4W,6W,2W)
Skylark: 5 (one pair and singles all SE)
Goldfinch: 1
Greenfinch: 3 (2W 1S)
Siskin: 1
Coal Tit: 5
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Vismig - Thr Oct 7th 2010 - Hutton Roof Cumbria & Hunting Hill, Carnforth, Lancashire
Thr Oct 7th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SE 10-12mph and decreasing.
All movement East unless stated otherwise.
Still plenty of Chaffinches on the move, also a Coal Tit, arrived and came down in the small tree alongside.
Alba Wagtail: 5 (2NW)
Chaffinch: 156 (56W all others East) (best parties: 18,10,8,7,7)
Meadow Pipit: 43 all East
Mistle Thrush: 2W
Blackbird: 6W
Reed Bunting: 1W
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Siskin: 2S
Linnet: 2
Redpoll: 2
Coal Tit: 1
Starling: 195 all East (50,30,30,6,15,3,5,12,10,12,3,5,3,1) probably ex roost at Leighton Moss)
then had to go to be family chauffeur, but did manage another hour later but at:
"Hunting Hill" Near Shore Road, Carnforth, Lancashire.
Wind: SE 5mph
very bright with little cloud.
All movement South unless stated otherwise.
Hard to pick out birds in clear sky, and some very high, heard plenty but hard to find them. But still regular trickles of birds even at leaving.
Alba Wagtail: 10 (singles or pairs.
Meadow Pipit: 69 (best parties: 8,8,6,5,5)
Chaffinch: 41: (best 3s or 2s)
Linnet: 7 (5,2)
Skylark: 11 (4,3,1,1,2)
Redpoll: 2
Goldfinch: 14 (2,12)
Greenfinch: 1
Starling 1W (and many not counted probably local)
Siskin: 2
Sparrowhawk: caught a passerine closeby...
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Beatrix Potter's Hill Top, Near Sawry - Wed 6th Oct 2010
Photos are: top: Beatrice Potter's Hill Top House, middle photo: her house and garden and bottom photo: On left is Buckle Yeat featured in "The Tale of Tom Kitten" and "The Pie and Patty Pan" and further on is the famous Anvil Cottage.
A party of 9 female Red Breasted Mergansers were on Windermere close to Ash Landing.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Vismig - Tue Oct 5th 2010 - Hunting Hill, Nr. Shore Road, Carnforth.
Tuesday October 5th 2010- Hunting Hill, Nr. Shore Road, Carnforth.
0700hrs - 1030hrs.
Wind: Very Strong SSW-SSE 15-20mph
Movement: All South unless stated otherwise.
Moved over to Hunting Hill, quite close to where I normally count, but some 400 yards South East as the crow flies. Without doubt this is the place to be for mipits, I thought so yesterday when I noticed most where going over "Hunting Hill". Well today it was nicely confirmed. They where still coming in on a "broad front" and I noticed I was missing some large parties going over South across the marsh to the West of me, but never the less I am sure I was in the right place to "gather the vantage". Because of the strongish winds it was "flattening them" and making them use both sides of "Hunting Hill" rather than going directly over the top of it, as they were doing yesterday. Lots were also going down alongside the railway lines at Carnforth railway station to my East. Really good "score" parties, but by about 0910hrs it was noticeably thinning down. With just odd regular parties going through up until my close at 1030hrs. Even then there where still good occasional parties of 10 to 20 plus going through, even so late in a morning.
Meadow Pipit: 592 (best parties: 10,17,11,20,15,20,14,29,22,22,20,23,20)
Chaffinch: 144 (best parties: 8,18,11)
Alba Wagtail: 50 (best parties: 13,8, lots of 3s)
Linnet: 17 (best party 13)
Common Buzzard: 3
Starling: Lots of local birds and possibly: 19 (2,2,5,10) which could have been continentals.
Common Snipe: One flushed on approach to watchsite (possibly local)
Goosander: 2 off Estuary to East (probably local)
Pink Footed Goose: 18W one skein at 0824hrs (you could see them struggling with side winds)
Mistle Thrush: 3 (2W,1E)
Blackbird: 1S
Stock Dove: 4
Jay: 2S (both singles, one being mobbed by two Mipits)
It really is great to be among the Mipits once again, and great to see they are here on this side in reasonable numbers.
After leaving my watch I quickly called in at Warton Crag side to see if I could see anything going over, nothing but perhaps a little windy today for Warton sides. Nice to see Tony (Riden) (Knowl Hill), busy at work with a large working party. I then went through the Yealands and across Nineteen Acre and past the garage on the A6 turning right into Moss Lane. (Moss Lane- A6 side), this would be the same alignment of the "pipit passage" we where talking about yesterday which now looks very likely that this could well be the same path as that going over "Hunting Hill". Sure enough Pipits where coming through at this point (not a lot and just singles, but regular, every few minutes) (after leaving A6 just after garage, turn on Moss Lane which leads to Burton/Holme) and I parked in the first large passing place/not a place to park on a regular basis!). You could more or less narrow the corridor down to the third telegraph pole along this road after leaving the A6. And they where all heading in the direction to the "Car Boot" field area.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Mon Oct 4th 2010 - Shore Road, Carnforth Marsh
Monday October 4th 2010 - Shore Road, Carnforth Marsh.
0645hrs - 0930hrs.
Wind: SE 1-3mph
All movement South unless stated otherwise.
Dry, warm, bright by 0800hrs, little cloud after 0900hrs.
Although the bulk of my count was from the Car Park just before the Marsh (to the west side of the sewage works), it was quite obvious that although there is a broad corridor South, which stretches at least one mile in width to my knowledge and probably the farthest I could actually take in with my bins, though 95% of the high concentration uses a corridor of some maybe only 100/150 yards wide, I have managed to narrow the path down after trying out several sample watching stages along the Shore Road, and without doubt they are coming in at the point almost where the small "car park is at the wooden bridge" which crosses the Keer (SD 492714) and then they are going South over "Hunting Hill" (SD491707), well what I mean is that they where taking this routing this very morning, and I would rather suspect from other past evidence on previous watches from Shore Road, that this could well be a long established regular routing corridor, certainly in relation to Meadow Pipits, Finches and Alba Wagtails. Using this routing from the "Northerly" it would certainly miss out Leighton Moss and would probably cross Warton Crag - most Easterly edge, and to the slight west side of Yealand Conyers. Continuing with this routing it would possibly take in the area I did mention yesterday near Hale. I will try and do further sampling across this routing if at all possible, but anyday now I think it will be necessary to revert back to "Hutton Roof" in readiness for the "thrush movements"....
Robins calling from the nearby bushes, and a good mipit passage especially in the first hour (0715hrs first bird to 0815hrs) then a downward fall on and almost finished at 0900hrs with just the odd trickling after. Some excellent parties of Mipits and it was so good to actually catch up with this great little species once again (I have been getting "withdrawals" on the Mipits since leaving Haslingden, but today was a bit like the old days!!!)
Meadow Pipits: 537 (best parties: 10,12,23,12,12,21,20,13,11,20,15,15)
Alba Wagtails: 67 (best parties: 9,20,5)
Linnet: 74 (best parties, 14,15)
Chaffinch: 79 (best parties: 10,6,5,6)
Goldfinch: 40 (best parties: 16,10)
Reed Bunting: 8 (mainly pairs or singles)
Mistle Thrush: 1
Swallow: 4 (one party)
Skylark: 9 (2,2,3,2 all after 0800)
Greenfinch: 4 (2,2)
Redpoll: 4 one party.
Chiffchaff: one calling near wooden bridge over Keer.
Curlew: 8 in from East.
Cormorant: 2E
Great White Egret: 1 local.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Vismig Sun Oct 3rd 2010 - Shore Road, Carnforth Marsh
Sunday October 3rd 2010 - Shore Road, Carnforth, Lancs.
Wind: SW 2-5mph
Movement: South unless stated otherwise.
It looked a bit fogged out over on Hutton Roof and after reading about John's fantastic Mipit count yesterday, I only had a couple of hours spare today so decided to have a look at Shore Road (probably about one mile or so further N/NW from Johns "Crag Bank" sight, to really see if I could make anything of the Mipit routing.
Sadly the weather was against us, but even with heavy continual rain, there where odd small parties still prepared to give it a shot!! and thankfully a few Mipits came through (47 in fact) and the routing corridor seemed to come from the back side of Leighton Moss and the West side of Warton Crags, which more or less I suppose put them on a fairly South routing.
It does need far more investigation, and if the weather holds OK tomorrow or Tuesday, I will try and get down there.
Meadow Pipit: 47 (best party 6, most 3 or 4s)
Alba Wagtail: 29 (best party 4, mainly 2s or 3s)
Linnet: 28: (one party 20)
Starling: 21W (6,10,5) also roost dispersal of 50S and 20S at 0745hrs.
Chaffinch: 15 (2,1W,5,6)
Reed Bunting: 1
Goldfinch: 1
Goose species: 20S at 0820, came up from somewhere near Jenny Browns Point (prob Greylag)
Although continuous heavy rain, there was still "midge plume" above the car...
PS: Peter (Marsh - Heysham) et al, last week I was at a Car Boot Sale on the A6 about one mile South in the Carnforth direction from the Hale Garage and whilst close to the back of the field, could hear Mipits going through regular, the spot was SD507763, now then when I was at Shore Road this morning, they where coming in a sort of direct North direction and straight over me, if you draw a direct line from the point at which I stood and to that point near Hale its almost direct and would certainly be worth far more investigation to try and enlarge our probable "mipit" routing path. If you continued the line further on in a North direction, the next main point would be at "Holme".
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Vismig - Sat Oct 2nd 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria
0700hrs - 0900hrs.
Wind: SE 2-5mph
Movement: Mipits: all SE others stated in count
Definite increase in Chaffinches today, just wish I could have stayed a little longer. Odd Robins calling this morning also some LT Tits.
Chaffinch: 255 (61E all others SW) best parties: 12,10,9,9,9)
Meadow Pipit: 110 (best parties: 12,10,7,7)
Reed Bunting: 1 S (cant believe this is my first of the season!!)
Alba Wagtail: 15 (all South, best party 5)
Linnet: 9 (2E others S)
Redwing: 2E
Raven: 3S
Greenfinch: 6S
Starling: 82 (all E best party: 20,20,10,7)
Siskin: 2S
Goldfinch: 2 (1W 1S)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 3 E (all singles)
Friday, 1 October 2010
Vismig Fri Oct 1st 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria
0700hrs - 0920hrs
Wind: SE 20mph with gust at 25/30mph
Cold, very light rain showers (heavy specking) at times.
All movement South - SE unless stated otherwise.
Just the odd Robin calling this morning, obviously yesterdays have now moved on. Not much happening this morning with the strong winds etc.
Raven:6 (can't distinguish locals from movers)
Alba Wagtail: 9
Chaffinch: 74 (30 W all others E-SE, best parties:7,5,4,4,4)
Meadow Pipit: 39 all South (best parties: 8,6,5,5)
Starling: 84 all E
Greenfinch: 2S
Common Gull: 138 all E (probably locals going from roost to feed inland)
Goldfinch: 6 (1W all others S)
Mistle Thrush: 1W
Redwing: 18 (One party of 15 SE at 0830 and one party of 3 W at 0905)
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Vismig Thr Sept 30th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria
0715-0820hrs and then again 0930 - 1030hrs
Wind: SE 2-5 mph
Movement: South East unless specified different.
Again this morning quite a lot of Robins had obviously landed throughout the night, along with one Chiffchaff and some suspected Blackbirds. A small Skylark move happened around the 0930hrs. Also how suprised to have a small Starling party actually going NW.
Meadow Pipits: 33
Chaffinch: 154 (70 in early hour/84 in late hour (best parties: 10,7,12. 26W all others SE)
Mistle Thrush: 14 (6,3,1,2 all West)
Starling: 27 (5,4,6,4,2, all East and 6W)
Alba Wagtail: 14
Cormorant: 2W
Goldfinch: 10S
Linnet: 5S
Siskin: 2S
Skylark: 14S (4,6,2,2)
Swallow: 4 (one party S)
BHG: 6 E (5,1)
Chiffchaff: 1 (singing from Hutton Roof)
Redwing: 10 (one party West - generally disorientated)
Raven: 2S
also 1 Wheatear near Timber Yard on Hutton Roof
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Vismig - Tues Sept 28th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria
Wind: SE 8-10mph and decreasing
All Movement South East unless stated otherwise.
Full cloud cover, and low cloud thick to East above Lune Valley, clear to West.
First thing on arrival, there were Robins singing at every bush, certainly involved over a score.. Also noticed today especially that Starling squadrons had started to go East, today they where very close to the ground within a metre! difficult with these, although I do suspect they are continental birds coming in (this is the strange direction they also take!, I would find it difficult to separate from what maybe (but I doubt!) local birds which have recently been collecting at the nearby (4mile away) sea shore. I would also now suspect that the Leighton Moss starling roost will actually now have started forming.. Had a super Siskin party of 25, just odd thrushes.
Meadow Pipits just completely quiet, did have a few in the first ten minutes, then just one bird from 0730-0900hrs. although when I check out last years we where still getting a couple of hundred by about the 5th October, so where have they gone. I am beginning to wonder now whether those recent Northerlies have cleared them out, I do know that on a couple of occasions this year during these Northerlies that some birds where at high altitude, there was also other small parties showing up as small "dots" in the far far even higher altitudes, so whether they have been missed.... Or it maybe they just havnt come yet!!
Meadow Pipit: 15 (3,2,1,7,1,1)
Chaffinch: 120 (best parties 7,7,5)
Alba Wagtail: 18 (best party 9)
Siskin: 25 one party and also others - audible only
Goldfinch: 30 (best party 20,6W)
Linnet: 9 (one party 8S)
Blackbird: 2 (both singles W)
Song Thrush: 1W
Redwing: just a single audible call only -
Heron: 1E
Starling: 115 (1,12,1,12,20,2,20,30,10,5,2 all East * See note above - cant distinguish whether Continentals or locals)
Swallow: 6NW
Mistle Thrush: 1W
Redpoll: 4
Jay: 2 (possibly local)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1W.
Monday, 27 September 2010
Vismig - Mon Sept 27th 2010 - Hutton Roof REDWINGS
0700hrs - 0830hrs and then 0920hrs-1010hours.
Wind: NE 8 mph decreasing all the time to NE 1 mph
Movement: South unless stated otherwise.
Very still, Cloudy but very clear to the West, and yet low cloud over Ingleborough and the Lune Valley to the East. Very still sort of morning with lots of Black Gnat flies and midge type flies present. (so still that it was great for audible)
Highlights: 3 nice Redwing parties, a Snipe party, Mipits still not going, the majority of the very few that where going through, where going so high in altitude, that I probably missed lots, Good Chaffinch numbers, nice 15 alba Wagtail party.
Meadow Pipits: 51 all South East (best parties: 10)
Chaffinch: 198: (95% to South East, a few to the West) best parties: 8s,7s,6s...
Alba Wagtail: 22 (one party 15) all South East
Redwing: 56 (8NE,8E, 40 NW)
Raven: 4 (3N, 1S) possibly local?
Mistle Thrush: 7 (5NE) 2NW
Starling: 7 (3,1,3 all East) probably continentals!
Goldfinch: 13 (One party 10)
Greenfinch: 2
Linnet: 2
Common Snipe: 5 (One party, first went out North East and then returned 5 minutes later to SW)
Swallow: 21 (East or West)
Siskin: 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1W
Jay: 2NE
Green Woodpecker: 1 presumed local.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Vismig Sun Sept 26th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Sunday September 26th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0645hrs - 0900hrs
Wind: N -6-8mph
Again very bright.
Again today Meadow Pipits never really got going. Chaffinch where very interesting with lots of large parties in the first hour or so, and also it was noted that they where all going South East today, a direction they never go as a rule. (Usually W or E). I probably missed some Redwing, on one occasion I looked down over Burton and could see a large party of thrushes (maybe 20 or 30) messing about at the bottom end of Hutton Roof. I did think at the time they where too small for Mistles, but rather dismissed them at the time, but later speaking with Dave at Bradford, he informed me he had several Redwing parties coming through, so now I rather think that that's what they may have been. Odd small Starling parties (eg 5 or so) have in the past couple of days started going East, these are probably early continental birds starting to come in. (I know it seems funny going East and away from the Coast which is only about 3-4 miles West, but thats the way they go here).
Meadow Pipits: 60 (best parties 6,6,5,5) SE
Chaffinch: 177 (best parties: 25,12,11,19,8) SE
Alba Wagtail: 5 (one pair, rest singles) S
Mistle Thrush: 22 (18,3,1) all West
Stock Dove: 1 W
Kestrel: 1
Linnet: 10 (7,3, W)
Starling: 13 (9,4, all East)
Pink Footed Goose: 40 NW at 0720hrs
Redpoll: 1 SE
Swallow: 7 (6 & 1) S
Goldfinch: 9 (one party S)
Blue Tit: 4 plus tree hopping
Reports of several parties of Redwing coming through this morning from Bradford area heading North West.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Vismig - Sat Sept 25th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria
Wind: N 5-8 mph
Movement: All Pipits SE
Chaffs between SW in the main and NE
Started off with keen frost, waiting for ten minutes for windscreen to clear. 0652 first birds, then a little burst and then just steady, but Pipits seem to start proper in small parties at about 0900hrs and died off by 0945hrs.
Meadow Pipits: 216
Chaffinch: 123
Mistle Thrush: 25 (One party NW)
Alba Wagtail: 5 (all singles)
Linnet: 14 (Singles or pairs all West)
Raven: 3 (South)
Goldfinch: 17 (10,5,2)
Siskin 2 (plus some missed audible only)
Greenfinch: 3
Stock Dove: 1NE
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 2 E
Swallow: 3 (2,1)
Cormorant: 2NE
Long Tailed Tits: 9 (one party- never at this territory as a rule!)
LBBG: 4 NW (1 ad 3juv)
Grey Wagtail: 1 S
Skylark: 4 (2 at 0930 which went S and another 2 at approx 0945hrs which came NW)
Herring Gull 1NW
Friday, 24 September 2010
Vismig - Fri Sept 24th 2010 - Higher Thrushgill Plantation (Wray With Bottom) SD646622
(Click over map to enlarge, and click again to supersize)..
Friday September 24th 2010
Higher Thrushgill (Wray with Bottom) Nr. Lowgill SD646622
Wind: NE 25mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Really superb open panoramic views to its North, in fact reminded me very much of my old stomping grounds at Haslingden, it had a lot of similaries in much of its topography. Today was spoilt with strong Winds and speckly rain at times. The Pipits did come through in small numbers all heading South and kept quite rigid to a corridor of about 36 foot wide in the main, and most where flying side on into the brisk NE wind. All where at high altitude, but some where so high you could hardly see them, certainly at cloud base, so the probabilities are that I missed lots. It really is a superb venue and I must get back next week when hopefully the winds will have abaited. This place looks like it could well be one of the main places on the west side for the Pipits. I would go everyday if I could but its about 34 mile round trip for me, so for now in the main I will stick with Hutton Roof, and try and get back just now and again. Greeted by the first birds to be Siskin!
Siskin: 3 (2,1 SE)
Alba Wagtail: 4 (all singles)
Meadow Pipits: 84 (all South, best parties: 10,8,8,5,4,4)
Swallow: 37 (best parties: 11,7.8)
Linnet: 8 all E (3,3,2)
Jay: 1 North
Buzzard: 2
Chaffinch: 4 N
Pink Footed Goose: 16 SE at 0925hours.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Vismig - Wed Sept 22nd 2010 - Barbondale (above Gawthrop) SD683865

Wednesday September 22nd 2010.
Barbondale - Above Gawthrop & Dent. (altitude of watchpoint 315 metres - Surrounded by Mountainous areas (approx Altitude of local topography maximums to a 600 metres approx), with tapering altitudes at the watchpoint (SD683865) with several converging hill/mountain ranges and valleys.
0800hrs - 1030hrs
Wind: SW 20mph (by about 0930 the wind seemed to change to a more SW).
All movement West, South West or SSW.
Quickly becoming a favourite of mine! but so windy up there today and very cold with it - even by 1000hrs.. Without doubt it was a little too much for some of the large Chaffinch parties, which coming through the incline and gap and trying to negotiate a direct South West movement (directly into the wind), and gaining altitude would soon give up and return to a nearby hawthorn tree, which at one time must have had scores of birds within it. They would then within minutes make a second attempt, which some got through and some didnt. Some I am sure found a alternative routing from within the many valleys below. At one time I was willing the birds on and felt like shouting to them "keep low and you will make it" (must be loosing it!!!), but no, they just kept climbing and trying to fight the wind, until one bird would repeatedly call and all the birds gave in and where then blown back into a sort of semi-circle... No great records, but a steady flow with good numbered parties. The Pipits had no problem getting through the wind, but their direction to the South South West was probably a little kinder and it was clear most of them where going side on into the side wind. Also noted they were either in singles or pairs, no much going on in the way of parties!
Chaffinch: 154 SW (best parties: 16,8,13,7,6,6,6,6,6,11,9,10)
Meadow Pipits: 105 SSW (best parties 8,6,3 and all others singles or pairs)
Alba Wagtail: 9 (2,1,1,3,1,1,)
Swallow: 57 all West (best parties 25,10,6)
Cormorant: 1 (from East to West)
Mistle Thrush: 11 (one party from East heading NW, but could not negotiate the wind and blown back to arc NE)
Redpoll: 6 one party, again struggled with Wind, where coming through with Chaffinch.
Starling: 4 E
Heron: 1E
Goldfinch: 2W
Kestrel: 1 (possibly local)
Merlin: 1 being harassed by 30 blogging Meadow Pipits
Linnet: 1
Blue Tit: 4
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Vismig at Hutton Roof, and Newton Tues 21st Sept 2010
Wind: Light W 8mph
all movement West unless stated otherwise.
Chaffinch: By far the main mover. 161 (13 East all others W/SW) best parties: 13,9,6,6.
Meadow Pipit: 68 all SW (best party6)
Chiffchaff: One calling from Newbiggin.
Alba Wagtail: 7
Swallow: 20W
Redpoll: 3 (1W 2SW)
Goldfinch: 3,
Starling: 12E
Linnet: 8 (2,6)
Greenfinch: 2
Jay: 3 (Came of Hutton and went NE then 10 mins later came back SW)
Its becoming obvious to me that Hutton Roof is very limited in the movement of Meadow Pipits.
I have recently, been checking out all over the place to get on a Meadow Pipit corridor and I am getting quite a positive feeling about the place called NEWTON, which just runs alongside Whittington to Arkholme. I was there this morning at 1020hrs and could only spare ten minutes before having to shoot off to Capernwray, but just in that 10 minutes I had:
Chaffinch: 15 (4,2,2,2,2,3)
Meadow Pipit: 20 (2,14,4)
Alba Wagtail: 1
If the weathers OK, I will be trying this one out tomorrow....
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Vismig - Sat Sept 18th 2010 - Hutton Roof PINK FOOTED GEESE
0645hrs - 1000hrs
Wind: W 3mph
Heavy Rain showers at first then OK from 0800hrs
Slight move at beginning then tapered to almost nil by 0830hrs.
All South unless stated otherwise.
Meadow Pipit: 106
Chaffinch: 69 (mainly W)
Swallow: 31
Pink Footed Goose: 131 (0800hrs skein of 50 came in from N/NE and went out over Hutton Roof to S/SW eg: Morecambe Bay)
(0815hrs skein of 70 came in from N/NE and went out far further South maybe Ribble Marshes) (0900hrs skein of 11 again came in from N/NE and went out far further South maybe Ribble Marshes).
Starling: 4E
Goldfinch: 11 (one party 10)
Linnet: 3
Alba Wagtail: 5
Mistle Thrush: 3
House Martin: 8 (one party)
Friday, 17 September 2010
Vismig at Hutton Roof & Barbondale Fri Sept 17th 2010
Wind: NE 8mph very cold, 0630hrs - 0800hrs
Chaffinch 93 (20E all others W)
Meadow Pipit: 58
Mistle Thrush: 3
Swallow: 28
Pink Footed Goose: 44 (one skein at 0655, seen disorderly formation at low height, probably come off estuary and climbing very high and formed orderly formation and then direction out to North East.
Alba Wagtail: 5
Linnet 20
Starling: 16E (8,7,1) first time showing squadron move direct East)
Goldfinch: 5,
Greenfinch: 2
Common Snipe: 1.
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1E
Barbondale (Underwood footpatch sign) above Dent 0930hrs-1030hrs
Meadow Pipit: 33
Swallow: 13
Alba Wagtail: 11 (one party 8)
Great Tit: 1 (possibly local) at high altitude
Goldfinch: 1
Chaffinch: 2
Redpoll: 1
Buzzard: 1
Wheatear 1 (on walls)
Sm. Tort Butterfly.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Vismig SWALLOWS at Shore Road, Carnforth - Mon 13th Sept 2010
Moved over to Shore Lane, Carnforth
0730hrs - 0900hrs
Wind: SW 18mph to gust 25mph
Movement: South unless stated otherwise.
Strong Winds and Heavy persistant rain, closed everything down from 0830hrs and I called it a day at 0900hrs.
Swallow: 199 (40N all others S)
Pied Wagtail: 7
Meadow Pipit: 2
Linnet: 4 (1W 3S)
Starlings now up to 600+ blogging
Lapwings now up to 100+ blogging
Curlews - several came off estuary.
Duck species: a party of 40 came in from East, too far off to confirm, probable size eg: Wigeon!!
Little Egret: 6 (5,1) Local estuary picking
Cormorant: 4 (1,2,1) all came from East.
Goosander: 3 - probably local.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Vismig at Hutton Roof - Sun Sept 12th 2010 CHAFFINCHES
Hutton Roof, Cumbria - Sun September 12th 2010
Wind: WNW 10mph
all movement South unless stated otherwise.
Pipits hardly moving over Hutton Roof, lots blogging on Farleton Fell (Newbiggin Crags). Chaffinch regular. Heavy rain overnight, but this morning was blue skies with intermittent cloud.
Swallow: 34 (8E all others SW)
Linnet: 2W
Chaffinch: 166 (16E all others SW, best parties 9,9,6,6,5)
Meadow Pipit: 63 (all W/SW, best party 13)
Goldfinch: 24 (1E all others W, best party 10
Alva Wagtail: 9W (all singles)
Great Spotted Woodpecker:1 (NE)
Chiffchaff: 1 calling off Hutton Roof
Stock Dove: 1 W.
Robins calling from every bush!! Tits on the move bush hopping! and I also heard (only) Siskin!
Friday, 10 September 2010
Vismig - PIED WAGTAILS Fri Sept 10th 2010 - Shore Rd Carnforth
Wind: W 12-15mph gust to 25mph
Heavy persistent intermittant rain showers, holding some stuff down.
Most movement today South, although some Swallows again went North East. A definate increase in Pied Wagtail movement mainly South.
Swallow: 140 (76 East, all others S, biggest party 50)
House Martin: 53 (20 East, all others S big party 20)
Meadow Pipit: 8 (2,2,2,2)
Goldfinch:3 (2E,1W)
Linnet 2W
Pied Wagtail: 34 (one party 7 all others singles or pairs 4W all others S)
Starling party toing and froing from Stock Car track probably today in the 200 plus.
Lapwings today in the 50 plus
Little Egret: 1 Local to estuary
Curlew: 1 Local to estuary
Whimbrel: heard calling from estuary
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Vismig SWALLOWS at Shore Road, Carnforth - Wed Sept 8th 2010 1200-1400hrs
Shore Road, Carnforth, Lancs.
Wind: change over to Light/variable westerlies
Movement: South unless stated otherwise.
Very late in the morning, yet still Swallows going through in nice parties. Went quiet from 1400hrs. Nice to see changeover to light Westerlies and this took the Swallows South West (instead of the E or ENE we have been getting in the last couple of days)
Swallow: 731 (best parties: 77,55,36,35,28 etc) all SW.
House Martin: 12
Sand Martin: 1
Linnet: 3 singles SW plus 10 blogging party on marsh.
Meadow Pipit: 8 (2,1,1,1,1,1,1) all SW
Goldfinch: 9 (all NW)
Skylark: 2 SW
Cormorant: 3 2+1 local
Pied Wagtail: 5 (2W all others SW)
Chaffinch: 1W.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
vismig SWALLOWS & YELLOW WAGTAILS at Shore Road, Carnforth - Tues Sept 7th 2010
0730hrs-0830hrs at Shore lane, Wind: SE 7mph. Heavy rain overnight, cloud clearing on arrival to blue skies and warming up.
Meadow Pipit: 27 Total: 3SW,2,2,4,2,2,2,5,3,2.all SW
Yellowhammer: 1 calling from bushes on arrival.
Yellow Wagtail: 2SW, a pair.
Lapwing: 30 plus probably local with additionals joining.
Linnet: 20 probably locals.
SWALLOW: 272 total in one hour. largest parties 40,30,25. Most of the birds went East, ENE or North.
House Martin: 26 total, 9SE, 2, 15, also many blogging nearby Sewage Works - not counted.
Sand Martin: 1SW
Common Snipe: 6 total: 2,4 to South.
Greenfinch: 2SW.
Goldfinch: 16 total: 93w,1s,4sw,2ne.
Pied Wagtail: 12 total, 1 south all others west (Why do they go West? I have noticed this also from Hutton Roof!!
Little Egret 1sw probably local.
Dunlin or similar sized wader: 1 South
Stock Dove: 1SW.
Conifer Woodlands Across from Havelock House, Near Capernwray. Lancs. 1000hrs - 1100hrs.
Swallow: 14 all SE
House Martin: 35 (30,5, all nw)
Meadow Pipit: 4 (3,1se)
Goldfinch: 6e,
Red Admiral Butterfly 1S